Two in One Again:
Sorry...I know I promised to keep up to date during the whole Aquarian month, I'm just a little slow sometimes. I forget that a whole day has passed and then to sit down at my computer and be reminded...oh it's not the same day anymore. (Not getting home until after midnight will do that to people.)
So as before, I'll start off with yesterday (Friday). I have to say that the whole day I was thinking about Megan and her adventures in San Francisco. For her, she was going to the gallery event with John Edward. I sometimes wish I could afford to go to a gallery event. They are so much smaller with being in a room with 200 people compared to 3,000. Yes, I have been to his seminars that are over 3,000 people. I think the part that got me excited was that we exchanged cell phone numbers, so just in case....he could call one of us. ;) I hate to say it on my end, but there was a lot of expectation. Yes, I fell into the trap. But I reminded myself that it would never happen, so I wasn't too disappointed when it didn't. Though there was a point that I thought maybe. I was at work, and I had my cell phone in my back pocket. Well it started to go off, but I couldn't tell if it was a call or a text message. When the vibrating stopped I knew it was just a text. Though, I will admit what my first thought was, No Shit! Then I looked at the time, and realized the event hadn't even started yet.
In a related event, I finally got my Bridges yesterday. If anyone has kept up on the story, you know what kind of drama that has been. So, I wrote a letter to the office thanking the mystery office worker who helped me get this all straightened out, because she never told me her name.
Back at work, I had a great day. I like keeping busy, and running back and forth. I hate just standing around and waiting for the next order to come in. Thank goodness between the hours of 5:30-7:30 there was no standing around. Even Kerrie looked at me and asked if it was normal to be this busy. After 7:30, well it slowed way down and my primary job was to just to catch up on all the silverware. My highlight of the evening though was tracking down Phil. Phil was keying and I needed comps done. I went and asked him for it, and then waited. I waited and waited. I found him again, and was like...Can I please have that comp done? He's like..the one you told me about about an hour ago. I'm like yep! Okay, he'll be right over. Waited another 20 minutes, and found him again. This time he shoved a piece of chocolate at me, and said, here this will shut you up. I'll be right over. Of course, he said it jokingly. Another five minutes, and I walked right up to him cause I saw him skittle around the corner with a shitty ass grin on his face. Okay, now Phil, or Heather is staying all night to soak up all your labor costs. That got his attention. ;) Mention labor costs, and you're golden.
Overall it was a decent night. I had a lot of fun. Here is the card for yesterday:
Since this is a specific type of "person" card, this may have been a man you ran into yesterday at some point. A man of quiet power who lets his emotions run deep and is not what he appears to be. His intuition is displayed but not to their full power. That is for future endeavors.
(Actually, I felt this all day long. It applies to someone I know, and I'm wondering what I'm supposed to learn from this. But I hope it helps you all too.)
Today. Today has been uneventful. I got up at 12:34pm ;) Another little hello. Anyways, Mom and Amy were both online. So I was talking to both of them. Mom was glad to hear from me. And Amy and I just talked hoping Megan would pop online at any moment.
I did tell mom that I didn't really want to go to work. She pulled a John Edward on me and was like, "Watch you won't have to go in because of the storm." Then we went on talking about calling the bus station to make sure the buses were running on time. After talking with Mom and Amy, I went and called the bus station and the buses were running fine. I went to sit down and watch Stargate that I taped from last night, and I wasn't five minutes into it, and my cell phone goes off. It's playing the Transylvaian theme, so I know it's Outback calling. (I'm sick I know.) I answered it and it was Kerrie asking if I would have a problem with not coming in today. I was dead silent. She's like, hello. I'm here. I told her that I wasn't going to argue with her cause I didn't want to catch the bus today anways. So way to go Mom for calling that one.
Me became the human bum today. I sat around and caught up on the shows that I taped yesterday. I watched Blue Comedy Tour Rides Again, Becoming John Edward because I was already on the subject, and I watched some other movies on the Starz network.
Now I'm finally talking with Amy and Megan on her adventures in San Fran. Sounds like she had an awesome time, and she was there for a couple of reasons. I'll be doing that the rest of the night.
And for all you people wondering, yes we got slammed pretty hard with snow. I went out to the mailbox and had to shove open the door. The snow had to be up about 10 or so inches on the door. And it was blowing around, so I have no idea how much snow we actually got. Of course, the landlord plowed over the steps again, and I had snow up past my knee to get into the parking lot. I think my neighbor got sick of it, cause I thought I heard someone out there scraping something. So, she either shoveled, or called someone to do it. Maybe. We'll see when I try to go to church in the morning. If we attempt to go. I dunno about it. Depends on how bad the roads are.
So here is today's card: Sorry for the distorted image.
Strife: This is my card of ordeals and tests. Be prepared to be tested and in a competition. Many people will be tearing you in half, where you feel like you don't have enough time in the day to get all things accomplished. It may even be morality that might be tearing you in half.