Character: Death the Kid
Soul EaterAge: . . . teenaged!
Canon: Soul Eater is an anime/manga that follows three young meisters and the weapons that love them . . . as well as occasionally beat them with said love. Students of the Shinigami Technical School headed up by the Grim Reaper, the meisters fight with their weapon or weapons of choice - weapons capable of switching between a human form and a weapon form - in order to complete their class assignments, be they taking out threats to society, maintaining the peace, collecting certain types of souls, or simply increasing the weapon's power.
Death the Kid is, as his name would imply, the son of the Grim Reaper himself, Shinigami-sama. Kid (as his friends and family call him) appears to be a smooth operator of sorts, working as the meister of Patty and Liz Thompson. He's well-spoken if not a little on the disgruntled side at times, coming across for the most part as a "down to business" type with a side of bitchy. And while his attitude may seem high-and-mighty, he can be relatively down to earth, even bonding with the series' resident retard, Black*Star. All of this gets tossed to the wind, however, when it comes to his unnatural obsession with symmetry. In other words! Kid is the OCD boy wonder of his series. If he thinks the picture frame back home was tilted just a bit? Kid will worry about it constantly throughout a mission, even going as far to bail on a life or death situation to check on it.
Sample Post:
You have got to be kidding me.
Father had mentioned that there were some disturbances in a backwater area, but he somehow failed to mention how disturbing the area itself was. Damnit! He wants me to go after a creature with a penchant for necromancy, huh? If I were raising the dead, I would opt for somewhere much more appealing instead of a dump like this. After all, who would stay in a place so ridiculous that even the fingers in what they call "Tuesday's soup" aren't the same length?! One off by 1.5 centimeters. Another off by 2 centimeters. Who does that? Nevermind that the natives themselves are in a sorry state. Although from the looks of them and their various states of decay, it's likely that they are victims of that monster I'm searching for. Speaking with them and attempting to work with them could not hurt, I suppose, since our goals are probably the same.
Zombies of the city of Seefud, gather around and listen! I am unfortunately a bit short-handed without the assistance of my usual supporters here, which means I require your assistance- no, not literally. Very funny, Mr. Jan Dees. Put that back on your arm where it belongs. . . . although now that you mention it- hold it, you! Forget what I said about putting that back. Your hands- they don't match at all! This can't be acceptable at all. Switch it with your partner's right hand at once! And you over there! Can you really call yourself a zombie when your legs don't even match?! Your asymmetricality is absolutely disgusting. Have you no pride whatsoever? At the very least, you have a saving grace with your skin peeling exactly the same on both sides, but that hardly balances out the greater issue. Remedy your leg problem at once and trade one with the one next to you! . . . mmm, yes. That's much, much better. You should all be proud to stand on your own two symmetrical feet now!
Hmph. With that taken care of, let's get down to business. There's a criminal lurking around here that must be taken care of immediately - a necromancer, I was told. Seeing as you're obvious victims of such a monster, perhaps you would be able to lead me in the right direction, wouldn't you? . . . No, no, not towards the lake! What are you doing?! As if that marvelous creature in there could be anything like the monster we're seeking! Just look at her! Ahh, those beautiful tentacles, each complementing the other perfectly, an example of exquisite symmetry in nature! An excellent cephalopod indeed!
No, what we're looking for is something far more diabolical. Something more deceptive, more like- yes, yes, just like that creature over there!! Quickly, box it in and don't let it escape! . . . tch, there. Excellent work, the lot of you. Now see? You couldn't have trapped that criminal nearly as quickly if it weren't for your perfect symmetry, could you! -Ah, speaking of that, I'll take over from here. Alright, you. Somehow, you've managed to deceive everyone here for quite some time. But now? It's over - I'm here for your soul!
. . . And I won't take "kupo" for an answer, either.
[voting went
here, 96.2%]