Title: Vertigo Fandom: Original (Against the Moon) Character/s: Hiru, Sanga Prompt: Falling. Words: 281 Notes: From waaaaay back when. I fell a long way behind and the prompts piled up. |D; On the off-chance anyone is still participating here.
Title: Helping Hand Universe: Against the Moon Character/s: Tol, Skeff Wordcount: 704 Rating: PG Summary: Tol was the one who was supposed to get sick. Notes: For "delirious", again ages ago.
Title: Like and Unlike to Compassion Universe: Against the Moon Character/s: Sanga, Landre Wordcount: 871 Rating: PG Summary: Sanga is a talkative drunk. Usually. Notes: For the 'drinking' theme. >_>; Ages ago.
Title: Wave Farewell the Dawn Universe: Against the Moon Character/s: Hiru, Sanga, Ban in spirit. Wordcount: 487 Rating: PG Summary: The darkness is growing on Hiru. Notes: For the 'daybreak' theme.