Feb 24, 2012 23:00

The Mass Effect online community at this point never ceases me to amaze me with its ability to be full of people who whine, complain and belittle other people's opinions. Which is very sad because fandom is meant to be FUN and generally I feel it is fun. I just want to fangirl in peace haha. As staggering as it is for me to say this I actually feel at this point they are on par with Harry Potter and Twilight. Except I kind of get why those two fandoms are like that because Twilight is made up of teenage girls and Harry Potter is serious business.
Anyway, I think (for now) the time has come for me to leave this ridiculous level of drama behind, and avoid the Mass Effect online community until the drama dies down or sooner or later all the stupidity will take away from the awesomeness that is Mass Effect. I usually don't comment on forums much because I go mainly to find out news but it's still painful reading all the lame drama that occurs over well, EVERYTHING. There's an insane amount pre-game release excitement and negative emotions around at the moment. This is the first time I've ever left an online community because of drama so it's kind of a weird feeling! I mean, even all the really crazy shipper wars in the HP fandom didn't drive me away, so congrats Mass Effect fans you win, the lack of civil and rational behavior in the online community is astonishing. Every time I see someone respond in a decent human manner rather than like a raving lunatic and launching a personal attack on the person who disagrees with them I feel they should be congratulated even though I don't agree with their view. Ah, the internet. It's really good how it brings everyone together...

Sheploo and Ash because this post needs some ME3 goodness in it :)

mass effect

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