Ridin' on a plane~

Oct 13, 2011 22:52

So today for the first time I flew on a flight that was not American Airlines/Eagle that I can remember. (The '08 trip to the Pacific Northwest might have been AirTran? I don't remember.). Anyway, I flew on Virgin this trip. The plane was cooooooool! All the seats had not only outlets but USB and Ethernet ports built in so you could charge stuff or use the intenet. Besides that, there were these touchscreens that you could play games (yay Mahjong!) or chat seat-to-seat or listen to music and watch movies. I didn't watch anything because I didn't wanna pay for a movie (although come to think of it, they had local chanels for free... next time!) so I listened to music. They had Daft Punk and Glee and a whole bunch of other stuff BUT what was really cool is that you could build your own playlist. Very cool! The downside? The volume was LOUD. Even turning it all the way down and pulling out my earbuds, it was too loud. The only exception to this was the Daft Punk Tron Legacy songs. Their other songs were equally as loud as the other artists. Dunno what's up with that. OH! I also got to listen to the DotM Linkin Park song!

...Dude, what the hell? Did they turn into Don't Stop Believin' when I wasn't looking, or were my eardrums just ruptured by that point and I was mishearing the lyrics? What happened to "this orange, it will not peel"? Seriously, "remember how you felt and carry on"? Buh? (Yes, I do feel like I have to poke fun at this. They were taking themselves SO seriously and now they're... not?)

Anyway, off to go see TREES tomorrow! Wheeeee!

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