Pantheon, the Lost Interludes 1/3

Jan 17, 2008 14:52

Yes, you read that right. There are a total of three more interludes from the Pantheon-verse coming. This is only the first of them. (The other two will be along when the muse can be talked into helping me write them. ^_^)

We will, of course, be starting off with Amy/Lucy.

As if sensing her thoughts, Lucy assured her, "Things'll go fine, you'll see." She suddenly grinned. "And I think I can safely speak from experience about how talented the DEBS are at ruining someone's plans."

That got a laugh from her. "I suppose you can, at that." She paused, growing serious once again. "I'm glad you won't be there," she finally said.

"You are?"

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong, ordinarily I'd like nothing better then to have you watching my back, but this... This is going to get ugly. And no matter how good I am, people are going to die. I don't want you to be one of them."

"Oh." A long pause. "You'd better not be, either, or I'll have no choice but to follow you to the afterlife and kick your ass."

Amy choked on another laugh. "I'll consider myself warned."

There was another reason, of course, but not one she wanted to mention. To do this properly, to give The Centre the payback of which she'd so long dreamed... She was going to have to loose parts of herself that she wouldn't feel comfortable letting Lucy see. Not like that.

To do this right, she was going to have to let Sekhmet out to play.

Completely, fully out. Something she hadn't done in nearly a decade.

And God help her, part of her was looking forward to it.

"Of course," Lucy said, breaking the silence once again, "all this is tomorrow."

"It's far too early to sleep," Amy shot back. "And there's not really anything more I can do to get ready right now."

Lucy gave her a sly smile. "Now, when did I say anything about sleep?"

Amy felt her own lips pull back into an answering smile. "Why Lucy, are you... suggesting something?"

"And what if I am?" She straddled Amy's hips and leered down at her.

"Then I'd say... tell me more." She relished the by-now familiar feeling of Lucy's weight on top of her.

Slowly, almost reverently, Lucy unbuttoned Amy's shirt and removed it, then planted a string of gentle kisses along her collarbone. She was only partly surprised to find that Amy wasn't wearing a bra at all. Amy smiled and reached up to return the favor, but Lucy pushed her hands back down to the bed. "Not yet," she said softly. "We'll get to me later. Right now, this is all about you." She paused, then playfully added, "I don't need to tie you down, do I?" Because she did kind of owe Amy for that little surprise the morning after Endgame.

Amy's smile tightened a little. "I'd... rather you didn't." Being restrained brought back memories of The Centre, which she did not need, especially right then.

Lucy felt like hitting herself for bringing the mood down even a little, but concentrated instead on recapturing it. "Then I'm going to have to ask you to hold still... if you think you can."

"Is that a challenge?" She knew Lucy was trying to distract her from her previous thoughts, but that was hardly a bad thing. And she had to admit, she was curious about where this was going.

"It could be taken that way." She kissed Amy tenderly, briefly getting lost in the kiss and losing her train of thought. When she pulled back, she smiled. "I'd ask how quiet you could be, but I have to admit, I like it when you make noise."

Amy considered keeping her mouth shut anyway, just to prove she could, but she just didn't feel like it. "All right... What do I get if I win?"

Lucy nuzzled her neck, nipping ever so gently at it. "What do you want?" she murmured, her breath warm on Amy's skin.

"Hmm..." Her body arched against Lucy's, but she kept her limbs and head right where they were. "Let me tie you up again." When Lucy gave her a surprised and openly inquisitive look, she blushed and admitted, "I liked it, last time."

So had she, Lucy had to admit. "That could be arranged." She smirked. "But... what if you don't keep still?"

Amy came close to saying that, since that wouldn't happen, it didn't matter, but Lucy's hand ghosting across her stomach convinced her not to. "What do you want?" she countered.

Lucy thought about that. "You let me video tape us next time."

Amy blinked at her. "I didn't know you liked doing that."

"Never have before. But with you, I'd be willing to give it a shot."

Amy was silent for a minute as she contemplated what she was about to get herself into. "All right, you've got yourself a deal. But can I just do one thing before we start?"

"What's that?" In response, Amy reached up, drew Lucy's head back down, and engaged her in a fiery kiss that drew what might have been a whimper from her throat and almost made her say 'to hell with the bet'. "Okay," Lucy panted once they'd broken apart again. "Got that out of your system?"

"Wanting you? I don't think that will ever be out of my system," Amy replied with a grin as she lowered her arms back onto the bed, positioning them above her head as if she actually was restrained. "But I'm ready to go, if that's what you mean."


"Yes, well, y-" She broke off what she was saying and sucked in a breath as Lucy mouth descended to one of her bare breasts, tongue flicking over the hardened nipple so fast it almost didn't register.


"Now, where was I, before?" Lucy mused aloud, a devilish smile on her face as she moved down the bed. "Ah, yes..." Amy's shoes were unceremoniously removed, and Amy sucked in another breath as her stockings were taken off with an almost agonizing slowness, the feeling of Lucy's fingers moving up and down her legs making her shiver.

Lucy took hold of the edges of her skirt and tugged it down, the friction of it against her skin making it feel like it was on fire. She nearly growled as Lucy again took her damned sweet time in taking off her panties, but refused to give her girlfriend that satisfaction. "Well, this is hardly fair," she commented instead, looking from her state of complete undress to Lucy, who had yet to remove even her watch.

"Oh, don't worry," Lucy cooed. "I can fix that."

And maybe, Amy decided as she watched Lucy provocatively remove her own shirt, she should have kept her damn mouth shut. Her eyes remained glued on her lover as she continued stripping down, one or two of her moves making Amy wonder if maybe Lucy hadn't gone to a strip club or two in her time.

"You're right," Lucy agreed once the last piece of clothing had hit the floor. "That's much better." Hands and knees on either side of Amy's body, she crawled back up the bed. "Last chance to back out," she warned.

"Shut up and fuck me," Amy shot back.

Lucy's eyebrows rose at her language. "My, my. Someone's in a mood tonight," she teased.

"What? You don't think you can?"

Lucy smirked. "You're not getting out of this that easily, Baby." She straddled Amy's waist and leaned forward, idly tracing patterns across her breasts. "I am going to take my time enjoying you. Of course, if you at some point feel that you just can't take it anymore..."

"You're all talk, Diamond."

She chuckled, then leaned down and started sucking on Amy's neck. Amy moaned quietly, but kept very still. She moaned louder when Lucy's hands began caressing her breasts properly, fingers gently pinching and rubbing her nipples, but again, she didn't move.

Lucy had to admit to being a little impressed, but then again, they hadn't really gotten started, yet. She smiled at the disappointed sound Amy made when she removed her lips from her neck, and it only widened when Amy made more encouraging sounds as Lucy began kissing her way downward.

She seemed to frustrate Amy a little when she kept going down, but her legs only twitched when Lucy kissed her way around the inside of her thighs. That, she figured, didn't count as moving. She would have been able to do that if she'd been tied down, after all.

Amy let out a guttural moan of satisfaction that brought smile to both of their faces when Lucy's mouth finally moved to where she'd been all but begging for it to go, and her hips bucked when Lucy's tongue first poked its way in. "Lucy..."

"I can't start talking," Lucy said, the vibration of the words making her tingle. "You don't want that."

"Not just that," Amy corrected, shifting a little on the bed. Lucy really was almost unfairly good at this, but she wanted... more.

"What, so now you think I can do it?" Lucy teased.

"This-" Amy broke off with a squeak as Lucy hit a sensitive spot. "This is not fucking me," she managed.

"No, it's not," Lucy agreed, before pulling her head away and jamming two fingers inside Amy. "This is."

Amy shouted as Lucy's fingers began pistoning in and out of her. "Oh, God, yes!" she cried, only barely managing to remember to keep her limbs still. This was exactly what she'd been craving. "Yes... please... don't stop... don't stop..."

"I won't," Lucy promised. Not until Amy had been finished off, anyway. She added a third finger, and Amy's cries only got louder, becoming more incoherent sounds then actual words.

Then Lucy leaned down and started sucking on her clit.

Amy exploded, bucking and writhing and shouting wordlessly, and for a second Lucy worried her now-pinned fingers might actually be crushed. She also found that Amy's hands had left the mattress and moved to her head, holding it in place.

Finally, spent, Amy collapsed into a limp pile on the bed. Lucy, moving to lay next to her, accused, "You moved."


"Of course, to be fair, we were pretty much done anyway, weren't we?"


"But still, you moved."


She grinned at her girlfriend's continuing silence. "Amy?"

".......we can call it a tie, I think," Amy finally managed to say, regaining her breath... more or less. "Just as well. I don't have any ropes or anything here, and you don't have a camera. So next time, I guess we'll just have to tape me tying you up."

Lucy felt a delighted shiver go down her back. "Works for me. And that should give you something to make it through the mission for."

Amy chuckled. She'd had plenty of reasons already, but what did one more hurt? "'kay. But this isn't fair to you, me being all tired and you not getting off."

"Don't worry about it," Lucy assured her, kissing her gently. "I'm fine."

"I wanna watch."

Lucy paused, confused. "Watch what?"

"You. Like you did me."

Her eyes widened in comprehension. "Oh." She thought about it. "That can be arranged."

She helped Amy into a sitting position, then positioned herself in front of her on the bed. Her eyes remained locked on Amy's, which unerringly followed her hands as they began roaming over her own breasts. She didn't spend as much time teasing herself as she had Amy, because she was already so hot from that that there was no need to.

She and Amy moaned in unison - though Amy was a bit quieter - when one hand moved down to begin massaging her clit. Her eyes closed as her fingers began moving faster, and she groaned louder. She felt the bed shift under her, but didn't pay it any attention until she felt fingers that definitely weren't hers enter her.

Amy, it seemed, had caught her second wind.

Lucy opened her eyes and locked gazes with Amy, spreading her thighs a bit to allow the blond better access, while at the same time moving her hand over to Amy's pussy. Amy moaned in approval, then leaned forward to capture her lips in a fierce kiss.

They stayed that way, locked together, until Lucy felt the orgasm building, and her movements picked up a slightly urgent tone. Amy, already dangerously close to the edge, smiled, ran her thumb over Lucy's clit, and sent them over together.

It took them a little while to recover enough to actually go get ready for bed, but eventually they were snuggled up together under the covers. Neither had bothered putting on any clothes. "I can't wait until you're living with me," Amy said with a happy smile as she cuddled against Lucy. She was going to very much enjoy having that sort of thing available to her on a constant basis.

"For more reasons then just that, I should hope," Lucy joked, kissing the top of her head.

"Of course more then that, silly. I love you for you, not just what a powerhouse in bed you are."

Lucy gave up and laughed aloud. "Good, because that's mutual, let me assure you. Both parts."

Amy smiled, pleased. "And don't worry. I'll be fine, tomorrow." Her smile became just a bit teasing. "After all, I have something to look forward to when it's all over, now."

"Bet your ass you do," Lucy replied with a grin as they began drifting off.

One down, two to go. Eventually. ;)

amy/lucy, debs, interludes, amy/lucy fic, fic, debs fic

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