Sight - a Sensory Pleasure Interlude

Jan 09, 2008 17:18

Better late then never, yes? :) Oh, and since this is an official "interlude", I thought it should have some kind of warning on it, just so no one can claim to be surprised by the content. ;) So, here you go:

Amy was silent for a long moment, then randomly asked, "Are you my girlfriend?"

Lucy started. "What?"

"Well, I'm kind of new at this whole girl-girl relationship thing. I know it's really soon to ask, but everything else has been happening so fast that, well... Am I your girlfriend?"

"Do you wanna be?" Lucy asked. There was no teasing evident in her tone this time. It was a serious question, and Amy treated it as such.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Then yes," Lucy said softly as she placed a gentle kiss on Amy's lips. "You are."

Said lips turned up in a smile. "Good."

"And be sure to eat up," Lucy told her. "Trust me, you're going to need your strength for that other thing I want to do."

"Why? What is it?"

"I can't tell you that." Lucy leaned over and whispered into her ear, "It's a surprise."

Amy's eyes flew open.

"I think the blindfold is really a bit much."

After a very lovely breakfast - and damned if Lucy couldn't whip up a mean pancake - and just a bit of snuggling, Lucy had brought her out to the car - her real car, Amy noted happily; she had quite fond memories of it, now, after all - placed a blindfold on her, and driven off.

They'd been driving for a while, now, so either wherever they were going was well outside city limits, or Lucy was just driving all over the place to disorient her and keep her from being able to figure out where the 'Evil Lair' was.

Neither would have really surprised her, honestly. But there hadn't been that many turns.

"Don't worry, we're almost there," Lucy assured her.

"Almost where?"

"You'll find out."

Amy frowned. "You know, while I don't regularly suffer from motion sickness, if this goes on much longer..."

She heard Lucy chuckle. "Duly noted." The car slowed, then stopped. She reached up to remove her blindfold, but Lucy pulled her hands back down. "We're not quite there just yet," she said mysteriously, then got out of the car, walked around, and helped Amy out. "Come on."

"I can't see where I'm going," Amy pointed out. She knew she didn't really have to, since Lucy knew full well that she couldn't see, but she did anyway.

"Don't worry, there's nothing to really trip over," Lucy told her. "Just stay with me, and you'll be fine." There was a pause. "Do you trust me?"

It was a question that really deserved a careful examination, and much consideration. Girlfriend or not, Lucy was still very much a criminal, very much wanted by most of the countries of the world, and very much the nemesis of her agency.

And yet, she didn't really need to think about it at all. "Yes," she replied immediately.

She could almost hear Lucy's smile, and the hand holding hers squeezed lightly. "Good. Then come on."

Lucy lead her across what she guessed was a parking lot of come kind, down either a road or a sidewalk, around a corner now and then, then down a longer path. There was a curious scent in the air, a sort of mixture of sawdust and animals and cotton candy, giving her a vague idea of what kind of place they might be, but there was no sound, aside from their footsteps and the wind. She imagined she could hear faint echoes of long forgotten laughter, of broken dreams, and quickened her pace a little.

Lucy squeezed her hand again. "Don't worry," she said softly. "It's just us, here. There's nothing that can hurt you. I promise."

Feeling a little embarrassed, Amy nodded and tried to redirect her thoughts elsewhere.

Finally, they ducked inside a building, which seemed to have a lot of twisting and turning corridors. "All right," Lucy said at last, breaking the silence that had sprung up. "We're there." She let go of Amy's hand, and before Amy could protest the lack of contact, or being left alone in the darkness, Lucy was removing her blindfold.

Amy blinked at the sudden light, but fortunately the lights in the building weren't too bright. "Where are we?"

"An abandoned fairground a few miles outside of town," Lucy told her. "I've used it a few times in the past for smuggling and arms deals. Right now, though, there's nothing and no one here but us."

"Why bring me here, then?" Amy asked as she looked around. Her reflection stared back at her, from just about every direction she looked.

They were in a hall of mirrors, she realized.

"Well, like I said before, you shouldn't always trust your eyes alone," Lucy began, standing behind her and slipping her arms around Amy's waist. Amy unconsciously leaned back into the embrace. "But that doesn't mean you should ignore your sight, by any means."

Amy inhaled sharply, her earlier suspicions confirmed as she remembered the last time Lucy had gone on about the senses. "Really?" she asked, throat suddenly feeling a bit dry.

"Oh, yes," Lucy told her, kneeling down and sliding her hands down the length of Amy's body - making the blonde shiver in delight - until she reached Amy's shoes, which she untied and, once Amy stepped out of them, pulled off and tossed away. Socks, pants, and underwear soon followed, removed slowly and lovingly, with constant touches and featherlight kisses, until Amy looked about ready to melt into a puddle.

And they hadn't really even gotten started, yet.

"You see," Lucy said as she stood back up, peeling off an unresisting Amy's remaining clothing, "sight can be very important. But when it's combined with another of the senses - touch, for example - well, that's when the magic starts. Open your eyes."

She hadn't really been aware she'd closed them. Of course, she'd been far too busy relishing the feeling of what Lucy was doing to her to be aware of much of anything just then. She opened her eyes, and her naked reflection stared back at her, from every direction, from every angle. Her hands instinctively went to cover herself, but Lucy took hold of them and pushed them back down to her sides. "You have an absolutely magnificent body," Lucy said to her in a near whisper. "Don't ever be ashamed of it. And there's no one here but us."

After a brief inner struggle, Amy stopped resisting, standing exposed before the whole world. Or that was how it felt, anyway, with so many sets of eyes being reflected back at her. "That's my girl." Lucy was whispering this time, and Amy was a little surprised when she took a step back and shrugged off her own clothing.

And being surrounded by what looked sort of like an army of naked Lucy Diamonds, she found, was hardly a bad thing at all.

She moved back, and Amy started to turn around, wanting to kiss her. Lucy held her in place, though, meeting Amy's eyes in the mirror in front of them. "Not yet," she said softly. "First you watch. I don't want your eyes leaving those mirrors, or closing at all. You're going to watch exactly what I do to you." Her voice dropped to a husky pitch with the last sentence, and Amy swallowed nervously.

Lucy embraced her from behind again, and her lips immediately found Amy's neck. Amy moaned quietly, her skin feeling like it was on fire, desperately needing the cool, quenching moisture from Lucy's lips to sooth it. Lucy's hands cupped her breasts, fingers trailing lightly over the swells, just barely grazing over her nipples, and back again. They began moving in teasing circles, and Amy instinctively reached up to apply the pressure she wanted, but again, Lucy stopped her. "Just watch. That's all. I'll take care of you, don't worry." Amy groaned at that, and Lucy chuckled. "Be patient, Baby. We're just getting started."

Lucy continued to tease her, fingers ghosting over her stomach, up and down her sides, just underneath her breasts, all the while making sure that she was watching them in the mirrors. Not that she need have worried. By that point, Amy was too mesmerized to look away. Looking back at her was a flushed, lightly panting woman, who was obviously taking great delight in being touched so by her lover, even if she did want to be touched instead, just a little. "Lucy," she began, but was interrupted.

"I know."

And then she was crying out as Lucy's hands found her breasts again, almost - but not quite - roughly rubbing, caressing, and fondling. "Lucy, please," she whispered, almost begging.

"Just keep your eyes on the mirror." Then one hand was descending down Amy's stomach, and the blonde let out a guttural moan of pleasure as it found its target. It was also obvious why her throat felt so dry. All the moisture in her body had gone elsewhere.

One of Lucy's legs was positioned between hers, and she leaned against it, hips moving as Lucy's fingers entered her, bucking in counterpoint to Lucy's upward thrusts. Her eyes were on the mirror, fascinated by the wanton, sexual creature that stared back at her with wide blue eyes.

Was this her? This being that revealed in her own pleasure, that wanted to reach heights she never would have let herself even dream of? Who lived in the moment, with no pesky questions about morals or what the right thing to do was, who didn't get too scared by her own desires to actually let herself have them? Who had no fear of the consequences of her actions?

She watched herself climax in Lucy's loving embrace, and it was the most incredible thing she'd ever seen.

"Now do you understand?" Lucy eventually asked once she was certain Amy would hear her. The blonde had all but collapsed, and was still on her feet only because she was basically sitting on Lucy's leg. "Do you understand what I see, when I look at you? You are so much more then you ever let yourself believe, and you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Inside and out."

"I think... I might just," Amy replied, standing on her own two feet and turning to give Lucy a hug. "Thank you. This was... incredible."

"And we're not even done, yet," Lucy replied with a grin as she pushed Amy backwards until she bumped into one of the mirrors.

"There's more?" She'd barely even caught her breath, yet.

"Of course there is. There's always more." Her grin widened. "Right now, though... Well, you haven't even watched us make love, yet."

"Maybe you should have set up a camera, then," Amy said, arms slipping around Lucy's back. "Because I'm not sure how much I might miss while I'm... busy."

"What makes you think that I didn't?" Amy jerked back, bit down a curse as her head smacked into the mirror, and swatted Lucy's butt when she snickered. "You'll thank me later," Lucy assured her. "Besides... I doubt you miss much."

"Maybe." Was Lucy serious about the camera?

Hell, did she even care? Not that she expected to ever forget this day, but she decided that she wouldn't mind having some proof that it had happened.

She pushed all such thoughts aside as she laid Lucy down on the floor, finally getting her kiss in the process.

Making love while surrounded by reflections of yourself making love, she found, was somehow both exhibitionist and incredibly intimate, all at once. It didn't make much sense, but then, so little of her strange attraction to Lucy Diamond - of all people! - did that she'd really just stopped caring.

Of course, the floor was rather dusty, and with as much as they were sweating, when they were eventually finished, they'd had to go track down a shower. Thankfully, since Lucy sometimes used the grounds for her own purposes, not only were there passages between buildings, but several functional showers, complete with soap and shampoo.

Of course, they only used one, and nearly drained the hot water tank dry in the process, but, as Amy sweetly reminded Lucy while soaping up her back, cleanliness was next to godliness.

Though, really, Lucy hardly needed all that much convincing.

The muse hopes you all had a happy holiday season, and would like me to wish you a happy new year. ;)

amy/lucy, debs, amy/lucy fic, debs fic

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