Sweetness and Debating

Dec 14, 2008 19:40

Wow. I just watched episode 19 of YGO--what else?--, that one where Yami and Joey fight the Paradox Brothers in a maze. They had a flashback to Mokuba and Seto's childhood, and what Seto said to Mokie was close to what I had him saying in my fanfic, it's amazing.

"Don't worry, I'll always be there for you Mokuba. I promise." Awww... Their love for each other is so sweet. And yeah, this is close to what I had him saying, that makes me happy. And I haven't seen this episode since it was on TV. I may have a good memory for things I like, but not that good. Besides, it was when I really didn't have a good memory.

I got up early today, well not early, but earlier than I'd like, after nine thirty. I like to sleep until at least ten or most likely eleven at the earliest. But my grandma roped the family into going to an event at one of my aunt's churches. Great. But it wasn't so bad, I actually found a song I liked. And it's by a band one of my online friends is obsessed with.

After looking in the program for the song, I decided to take a chance and look for it on my iTunes Store. And it was there, and on top of that, it was the right song! That's awesome. Makes me feel better about my music situation.

Eh, I found more reviewers who call Seto names. Don't worry, I'm not mad. I just put a thumbs down on them. If they don't understand him, that's their problem. As long as they aren't douches about it, ya know? Trying to prove to me that they are right, when they're not.

I was having an online argument with someone who claimed it was a cowardly act Seto did to win against Yami in Duelist Kingdom. His first post said that he should have just gotten better instead of going with his emo tactics. I said that that duel was different, only one could win and they both had someone to save. Then he said I was avoiding that it was a cowardly act. I responded, "Eh. I don't know about cowardly. Desperate, yes." Then he said he threatened suicide to win.

And I just thought, "Yeah..." I didn't even respond to him, but I see someone else agrees with me. Good. There are smart people out there.

Rolls eyes. Are people really that clueless? Damn, is it that hard for people to feel empathy and understand one another? If that's the case, then we have a long way to go to achieve world peace, which I do believe will never happen anyway. Or we could just kill the idiots, that works.

Idiot genocide... Ha ha ha. Sorry. Too hard-core? I know, I can sound very cold sometimes, but I really don't mean it.

Let's see, what else...? Oh yeah, I did write yesterday...but not much at night. And there's school tomorrow.

Ooooohh--oh wait, here's a chance to quote the abridged: "Oh great...I'm excited."

That's pretty much it. Gee, when I don't have school, generally I don't have much to say. Maybe when I watch more episodes again, you'll read about me fangirling and "awwing" at Seto, and then there will be something. Haha. Now onto dinner and writing!

(On the bright side, they got rid of that terrible thing on Seto's wikipedia page. That said he was goth and liked to cut himself...? Ugh. I'm sick even thinking about it. Yeah, that's gone. No fucking idea why the fuck it was there in the first place. Sick people...)

writing, itunes, seto kaiba, debate, yu-gi-oh, episodes, reviewers, ygo tas

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