Post Hyper Fangirl Insaneness

Dec 18, 2008 21:34

Wow. It's unbelievable. I actually haven't posted publically in...holy crap, days here! Maybe this obsession is over... Or maybe not.

Well first things first...Ah. I'll start with the weather. No, no. Everyone keeps saying--and when I say everyone, I do mean everyone--that we're going to get this HUGE snow storm that's suppose to last all day and night tomorrow or something... Right. We keep talking about it and the more we talk about it, the more we curse it to turn against us. I've already figured Mother Nature hates us, otherwise she wouldn't give us so many freaking false alarms about snow days before Winter Break.

Plus...I'm getting presents... I want to go to school before we leave. You know, to catch up one final time, chat a bit, just get everything out there before we leave for the new year, ya know?

And I'm getting presents... He he he. I'm greedy.

Anway, tonight was manga club. Ah, I've come to the meat of this, huh? I'm on a bit of a crash from the frosting I got from there, and took home...and the fandom. There's always fandom, isn't there?

Alright I'm proud of myself. I got my friend to like caramelldansen. Swedish pop music...that's addicting as crack! And it make you move like you're on crack maybe. I don't know. I showed it to my friend, but she was totally biased, "Nope. I don't like pop music. I like to ROCK!" I'm thinking, nice but this is awesome...

But my friend at manga club (if you're read my other entires, the one with the Kaiba coat, member?) got her to like it though watching numerous characters doing it. It's ubber cute! It was funny and absolutly kawaii! I'm proud, another friend didn't know what that meant, so I informed him.


Alright, another highlight...abridged. We (meaning my friend with the Kaiba coat, my rock friend and I) showed anther friend, who's in band and is very lazy and tired all the time (but he's funny and very tolerant, he laughs at every line me and my rock friend quote from the different abridged series we like), the Yu-gi-oh abridged movie. He laughed...I expected that. He laughs at everything, but it still makes me happy and he still seemed amused by it.

I was also happy by the fact I was reciting the lines right along with the characters. I haven't even seen that movie in...months and I still remember the lines.

Yay me.

My Kaiba-coat friend asked me, "Now why does Kaiba always challenge Yugi?" I sighed and said I could explain but it would take pages. Then him and my rock friend just said, "He's an idiot."

And I just kept saying, "No he's not." I do call him that, but I know him and I use the term affectionatly when he is acting like an idiot. No, he challenges him to beat him. He has a big ego, he really thinks he can beat him eventually.

Plus he's..."Denialman, denialman!"

On to another abridged: 5D Abridged. Ye-eah...! That DESERVES to be made fun of. That...terrible...terrible show...THAT DESTROYS MY SOUL EVERY TIME I HEAR OR SEE IT! I cringe exaggeratly automatically when I hear of it. But it was abridged so I gave it a chance. Abridged is awesome. That's the rule.

And of course it worked. Naturally.

They made fun of Jack. YES! I HATE THAT GUY! I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM! I say that every time I hear or see him now...because HE SUCKS! I hate him...

Because he's a Kaiba poser! Oh my God! That is exactly what he is. He acts like Kaiba, dress like Kaiba, speaks like Kaiba... IT MIGHT AS WELL BE KAIBA DAMMIT!

I'll save this anger for my rant on 5D and Jack later...

Alright (again) let's get to the making fun of him. Well they made him a narcisist, "Yes, the camera's on me!" Then it cuts to...whoever the Yugi replacement is...Yusei. Crap I think that's it... I hate him too. Haha. I hate the show... He's the Yugi/Atem poser. Anyway, they cut to him and Jack's like, "No, back on me." Then it keeps cutting to him and finally he says, "Is nothing sacred?"

Name of the episode? Nothing Is Sacred. "Good," I remember saying.

Oh and this really mad me happy, they pointed out that one of the duelists (riding on the fucking motorcycles...fuck them...) looked like Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda. I'm so glad they pointed that out since my friends and I were thinking the same thing. So...yeah that made me happy.

This was randomly placed in there: "I point my hand to the sky cause I rock!" but it's still funny, and it did have a point: To make him act even more like Kaiba!! My college friend (Kaiba-coat guy) pointed this out, that he does act and look like Kaiba. I groaned and my hands went into...a weird position...straining me... It was weird and lasted less than thirty seconds then I was back to normal. ("Whatever that is." Whoever knows that quote, you're awesome!)

Ah...that feels good. Oh and they had one of the characters say super special awesome, then all hell broke loose! Haha! They said the character, who sounded like a chipmunk, copied off of LittleKuriboh. Haha. They did it well. I'll have to see it tomorrow. Not tonight. I'm on a crash and it's late at night; I don't want to get all hyper before this.

I should mention my wardrobe. I had on my red cape of awesomeness...and yes it has everything to do with Kaiba, thanks for noticing. And I had boots...that didn't have anything to do with Kaiba until I noticed that they were Kaiba-like. I was tired of my boots getting wet and having to change my wet socks, so I asked mom for different ones. And thankfully she has good taste (girly and more revealing than my liking, which is kind of conservative) and we share the same size.

I should also mention my fangirlness. It was insane, really. I was squealing and jumping up and down in my high-heeled boots. ...What an image that is. A girl, who doesn't wear high-heels really at all, jumping up and down, squealing... I was moving all around and talking quicker than usual (I've been told I talk real fast anyway). When I get hyper like that, I say whatever comes to my racing mind, and I say it quick and blunt.

My writing real quick: I finished a chapter. I was worried about that scene being long so I made it it's own chapter. There. Problem solved. I hope it's interesting... It was for me though this one makes me question, and the others didn't. It could be the fact that the last time I even got to chapter six in a story, I stopped. Maybe six is when realization sets in...? I don't know.

Since I cut the planned chapter in half, I just have to write the rest. I'm really looking forward to that. He wakes up and is completly out of character again. And some heart break happens. "It's going to be such fun!" said in abridged Bakura's voice. It should be fun...mentally messing with my characters is fun. I find I like to mentally torture them now, while before I physically tortured them mostly.

I have a good friend online who is a Kaiba bros fan, though she's more of a Mokuba fan. But we can still dive into Seto's head, it's fun to talk about. She likes to humiliate him, putting him in situations he would NEVER be in. And whenever I hope, "Please don't do that Seto", he does it. Like I told her, I like making him vulnerable. It brings his real, true self to the surface, and it's cool and heart-warming to watch.

I'm just having difficulty with the chapter name... I decided to go with one word chapter titles. I could not have them, but I think it's fun and cool to have them. I had one I came up with last night...but I don't like it. Too obvious. So I'm thinking of something else, that goes with the others and goes with the chapter itself. It's all complex, but not so much it gives your head a major strain (usually). Haha.

(Yeah that wasn't real quick but you should expect that from me now.) I'm tired and have more fandom to get to. And Seto-romance ideas to write down...which goes with fandom, but I had to say it separatly anyway.

writing, yu-gi-oh abridged, yu-gi-oh 5d, winter break, seto kaiba, abridged, poser, yu-gi-oh, denialman, 5d, manga club, snow day, school, fangirlness

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