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Comments 12

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obsessive24 August 14 2011, 04:03:17 UTC
Thank you very much for providing the platform to premiere the vid! :D


destina August 14 2011, 13:59:40 UTC
Hello teammate. *g* I was so, so excited to see this vid; I don't think I've ever seen another B&H vid, and certainly not one that tackles the love triangle aspects of the story. I was so glad you went to the heart of that story and extracted what there was of it for your vid; I loved this. And yes, I really wish you would vid Vorenus/Antony. That would in fact be the best thing ever. (After Jesus for the Jugular, which will not be unseated from favorite status. *g*)

Hm, I lack appropriate icons...This one will have to do.


obsessive24 August 17 2011, 00:01:54 UTC
Hey teammate! :D Heeeee. I'm so glad that you liked the vid, thank you! I loved the sexy triangle but really hated how the movie ended... well, hated is probably not the right word but for the purposes of the vid I really wanted them to stay together as an awesome trio, boos. And, yes!! Vorenus/Antony! That would be the hottest thing evar and I shall get on that vid presently. Icon = ♥


serrico August 15 2011, 23:25:18 UTC
I LOVED THIS VID. And I have not seen the film and know nothing about it, so...heh? *g*

The two pairings come through so clearly and so strongly, with the triangle/threesome aspect feeling like the umbrella over them both. Which might not make sense outside my head, but it's what the vid feels like, for me. (...I haven't slept yet. ;) And it works!


obsessive24 August 17 2011, 00:03:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I hope the vid makes you want to check out the film because it's totally hot.


celiaka August 17 2011, 23:26:29 UTC
*nostalgia fest* I used to love this film - I used to have a VHS copy that I had carefully taped of channel 4.

Nicely done.


obsessive24 August 18 2011, 03:00:21 UTC
The film is addicting to watch! James/Kevin are SO hot together. Thank you!


bananainpyjamas August 19 2011, 23:33:13 UTC
I had no idea you had a themed show premiere this year! That's a nice little surprise. :D I've never seen the movie but I think I got the gist of things, in no small part thanks to your usual narrative touch. :D And this will sound silly but I rather liked the titles. The partly-repeated font as a nice touch ( ... )


obsessive24 August 20 2011, 19:16:40 UTC
LOL, I really liked the movie and was totally motivated to make a vid for the 3somes show cos the plot is kind of perfect for that, but I ran out of steam halfway through the vid and was like, what is this shite, which is the attitude I maintain to this day. Thank you for taking the time to write lovely feedback! You are a very nice person indeed. And, you know, reading your timestamps is actually making me motivated to write more timestamped feedback, so I think the paying it forward is gonna work.

But the good thing about this vid is that now I feel totally motivated to vid Rome, which is much more epic slashy. Yay! Now if only I could find a song... know anything good? Along the lines of ES Posthumus, but with lyrics?

1:14 - "Woohoohoo" lulz for some reason I find this clip-lyric match super-amusing
That's good to hear! No one laughed in the show and I was like D:


bananainpyjamas August 20 2011, 20:20:02 UTC
And, you know, reading your timestamps is actually making me motivated to write more timestamped feedback, so I think the paying it forward is gonna work.LOL! I'll consider that my contribution to the vidding community for the year ( ... )


obsessive24 August 20 2011, 20:26:49 UTC
ZOMG! Right after I wrote that comment I decided to go on YT to hunt for new music, and within 10 minutes I FOUND THE BEST NEW BAND EVAR. It's epic, but not quite ES Posthumus/Globus, argh it's so awesome. I'm so looking forward to making the Rome vid now. I wasn't quite sure what I was gonna do next, but now I know. Happy day! (And also means I won't be vidding the same song as you, which is also really good because wow, way to get myself royally buttfucked some years down the track. :P )

Hm, for me I think the trend is less detailed feedback in general. ash48 mentioned in my other post that there seems to be a trend toward insta-gratification Like buttons such as on YT and FB and maybe that's left people less inclined to write proper feedback. Instinctively I think there is a lot of truth in that. But seriously, you've made me all enthusiastic for long feedback now. I will do it! *nods decisively*


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