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bananainpyjamas August 19 2011, 23:33:13 UTC
I had no idea you had a themed show premiere this year! That's a nice little surprise. :D I've never seen the movie but I think I got the gist of things, in no small part thanks to your usual narrative touch. :D And this will sound silly but I rather liked the titles. The partly-repeated font as a nice touch.

Favorite bits (I am bringing timestamps back dammit!):

0:14 - Time toggle over the drum fill! Very nice.
0:45 - You did a really good job of building up the guy's budding connection, so when you introduce Sally here it the viewer gets the same "oof" feeling as blond guy (Leo?).
1:14 - "Woohoohoo" lulz for some reason I find this clip-lyric match super-amusing
1:42 - "They won't take you away" Knowing this is an OT3 vid I was interested to see how Leo/Sally would be built up and this particular clip+lyric was like the exclamation point on the previous sequence.
1:47 - Obligatory triangle shot :D
1:52 - Ha, I love how Brandon's just like "The fuck is going on here??"
2:11 - Obligatory triangle shot take two. Aw, Leo looks so sad. :(

I can understand how there may have been some limits in terms of available footage for the story you wanted to tell but I think you did a good job! It made sense to me and was actually quite compelling. Nicely done! :D


obsessive24 August 20 2011, 19:16:40 UTC
LOL, I really liked the movie and was totally motivated to make a vid for the 3somes show cos the plot is kind of perfect for that, but I ran out of steam halfway through the vid and was like, what is this shite, which is the attitude I maintain to this day. Thank you for taking the time to write lovely feedback! You are a very nice person indeed. And, you know, reading your timestamps is actually making me motivated to write more timestamped feedback, so I think the paying it forward is gonna work.

But the good thing about this vid is that now I feel totally motivated to vid Rome, which is much more epic slashy. Yay! Now if only I could find a song... know anything good? Along the lines of ES Posthumus, but with lyrics?

1:14 - "Woohoohoo" lulz for some reason I find this clip-lyric match super-amusing
That's good to hear! No one laughed in the show and I was like D:


bananainpyjamas August 20 2011, 20:20:02 UTC
And, you know, reading your timestamps is actually making me motivated to write more timestamped feedback, so I think the paying it forward is gonna work.

LOL! I'll consider that my contribution to the vidding community for the year. ;)

I'm curious though, is the trend against timestamps specifically or more detailed feedback in general? Because to me, timestamps are the easiest way to leave detailed feedback. If I tried the essay route some people go I'd end up with a garbled mess unless I put some serious thought into organization, and I'm too lazy for that. :P

Re: song recs, hm, there are some gothic rock groups like Within Temptation (which I'm sure you've heard in plenty of vids) that frequently use choir backings. The closest thing to ES Posthumus with lyrics would probably be Globus, the band that did Orchard of Mines. They basically turn Immediate Music's short instrumental/operatic tracks into full-length songs, sometimes with lyrics. Off the top of my head, Europa, Take Me Away, and Prelude have English lyrics while Preliator and Diem Ex Dei have Latin lyrics. Fair warning, the last two are in my "I should vid this someday" stable, which isn't to discourage you from using them if you're inspired, but rather to head off any annoyance if I use them after you. :)


obsessive24 August 20 2011, 20:26:49 UTC
ZOMG! Right after I wrote that comment I decided to go on YT to hunt for new music, and within 10 minutes I FOUND THE BEST NEW BAND EVAR. It's epic, but not quite ES Posthumus/Globus, argh it's so awesome. I'm so looking forward to making the Rome vid now. I wasn't quite sure what I was gonna do next, but now I know. Happy day! (And also means I won't be vidding the same song as you, which is also really good because wow, way to get myself royally buttfucked some years down the track. :P )

Hm, for me I think the trend is less detailed feedback in general. ash48 mentioned in my other post that there seems to be a trend toward insta-gratification Like buttons such as on YT and FB and maybe that's left people less inclined to write proper feedback. Instinctively I think there is a lot of truth in that. But seriously, you've made me all enthusiastic for long feedback now. I will do it! *nods decisively*


bananainpyjamas August 20 2011, 20:38:06 UTC
LOL, I would not be worried about potentially vidding the same song as me, especially given the fact that I've gone off a cliff in terms of productivity. :P But in any case, yay! \o/ YT can be surprisingly awesome for discovering new music. And double-yay for being excited about your next project - definitely a good sign. ;) I can't wait. :D


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