Its ok Sam.. Cheer Up.. Forget about Bradly!! He isant worth you!! He can just go suck a cow. I am here for you when ever u need some body! I love you so much babe!!
That was more than disrespect, and it did hurt your feelings. you do have feelings sam. Bradly just needs to learn how to grow up and stop being such a jack to you. He either loves you or he doesnt. you cant love two people.. there's only room for one. yeah one! You dont go see people getting married to two people now do you.. yeah i didnt think so. god. guys.. cant live with them cant live without them.. whoever made that up was right. And then stupid adults.. think we cant be in love just kus we arent *adults* times have changed.. get over it, just bkus they didnt have that strong of feelings for someone when they were are age doesnt mean we cant. But i hope things get better sam. i love you so much. if you ever need me call me k? 983.9666! ♥ always, Megan
Comments 3
<3 Janel
♥ always,
x Shauna x
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