2 days

Jul 13, 2005 03:02

I haven’t updated in a while because my computer won’t let me go onto internet explorer. So in that case.. Ya. Anyways,

On Sunday - - I pretty much did nothing because I was depressed. So I just sat around and I just really wanted to be alone. But then my mom god she bugs me when I’m sad. She really does she tells me the same shit over and over. And then she wanted to go to JC Pennys with me I really didn’t want to, and I was talking to Micki, then she decides to talk to Micki because at this point I just was crying. So then Micki came with us to JC Pennys and then we didn’t get anything. Then we went to TJ Max and that was all right. Then we dropped Micki off at home and then I got sad again. So then, I just went home and I don’t remember what I did. Then at 9:00 I went to go play “tennis” with mom, Brock, and Alek. And Micki met us there. Then we left and I came home and my favorite part of the week on Sunday nights was the slow jams I was so happy but most of them made me cry. So… I didn’t go to bed until like… 1:00.

Monday - - well I wake up at 7:30. And then I didn’t like the song on the radio so I fell back asleep and here at 8:40 my mom comes in my bedroom and is like Sam wake up, your ride is here. I get up and just grab a hair tie and then Connor drove us to tennis lessons. And that was all right, I guess. Then I came home and got my swimming suit on and then I went to the pool with Jamie and Janel. And I saw my old babysitter.. JODI! I was so happy!!!! And my cousins were there. Anyhow, after that we went to the baseball games. And it was okay for a while, I guess. But then after my mom had to pick us up and she was at Wal Mart--east so she was on the east side of town. So we had to wait so I’m yelling around the park anyone wanna stay with us? Any takers? Any takers? It was funny. But then Bradly and Riley stayed. Which was all right. So anyways as we were waiting, we were all kinda goofing around and then me and Bradly started talking about him and Britta. And how he won’t go out with me because it’d be hard for him to like someone more. And then he goes I like her 51% and you’re 49%. So pretty much right there, I was like whoa okay. So, then we’re standing there we like have our arms around each other and then he was going for the kiss and then I was and then I just stopped. I go only kiss me if you mean it and I turned my head and he walks away and goes you just dropped 5%. And then I was pissed I’m like no liking someone they don’t just drop percents or liking someone isn’t about percents. I don’t know I said something like that. And he just walked away. So then, my mom comes… and Riley wanted to say hi to her and then him and Bradly both went to say hi to her and then we were sitting in the car and everyone was talking to my mom (micki, jamie, and aleena). And then we dropped Aleena and Micki off at Micki’s house and then I just started crying. I was just so angry. Then Jamie was telling my mom why I was mad and ya. Then I went online and I really love my friends. Thank you guys so much. I know you all really hate listening to me talk about him, but thank you so much for just being there.
s0 c0nfus3d xOx: You are worth everything to me!! U are my bi lover! and I really like u!! And your not ugly!! You are one of the prettiest girls i know!! and You are a big part in my life and its ok... I come to u for everything practically and You can just screw bradly.. he is gay! Cheer up! I love you soo much! ßThank you Janel
puplv148: dont feel that way cuz hes missing on a big part of his life if he would think about it im sure that ur the only girl that will like him as much as u do and ur the only girl he could get cuz ur so nice and he bugs alot that we dont have paitents like u do with him ß thank you micki
And Jamie and Aleena thanks for talking to him. <3

Today - - woke up and then I called Jamie back and then Micki and then we were gonna go to Dairy Queen but then I didn’t feel like riding my bike. SO then my mom brought me to Arbys and I got a sandwhich and my mom, she is driving me crazy. She told me she goes:: last night he didn’t hurt ur feelings sam, he was just being disrespectful he didn’t hurt ur feelings there is a big difference.
You know what? Usally when you are disrespectful you hurt someones feelings. She acts like I have none when it comes to Bradly and that’s all she talks to me about now is him. She just acts like I’m dumb dumb dumb. And she wonders why I didn’t tell her about Matt, he didn’t mean anything to me, But she wonders why? I mean just b/kuz im 13 doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings! I have feelings, I have lots of them. And she just laughs at everything I say. Then she just makes me feel wrose. But anyhow… I think im going to the baseball games tonight. Call if you wanna come with me.
I really love my friends Thank you again, Jamie, Micki, Aleena, Janel, Brittany, and Megan
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