(no subject)

Oct 10, 2011 00:43

Oh sweet mother of god, what've I done?

I haven't put up the post describing my living arrangements yet, but essentially, there's six people living on my floor. Four girls, two guys. We're en suite, so that's okay. We have a huge, shared kitchen and I fucking love my flatmates. We're the funnest people in town, without having to go out every night. We have a couple of regular guests, for example KB (UK) from the next block, and her corridor mate SL (Scotland), who spends almost every waking minute with us. The girl beside me is ES (UK), and the one a door down is LS (UK), and the one across the corridor is EL (singapore). I'll know what I'm talking about, and I guess that's good enough. The boys; S is from New Zealand, and J is from Germany. Seriously, don't bother deciphering. This is for my own records, so hopefully I'll look back one day and laugh at us.

So this weekend, we did this cooking thing, see? Yesterday (saturday) us girls cooked both lunch and dinner. Today, most of my corridor mates woke up at 12:30 plus, so there was no question of lunch. Instead we asked (coughorderedcough) them to make dinner.

J made dinner.

It was good enough to induce spontaneous pregnancies. I kid you not.


When they boys went out to a room to watch telly or something, us five girls sat around a table (minus EL who was out) and ES said: "Did anyone else just want to marry him during dinner?" -- and the floodgates were OPENED.

So we sat there and fangasmed about him, because really, he's easy on the eyes, and he cooks *really* well, and HE HAS A THEME SONG FOR WHEN HE'S COOKING.


So, with the brilliance of 18+ year old girls (and SL doesn't even have an excuse cuz she's 26), who got overly hormonal and listened to love songs really loud and planned how to keep him all to ourselves for a solid two hours, we decided to slip a love note under his door.



We were laughing SO HARD. And KB and ES actually went to the room in which they were watching telly to fake-ask for help opening a jam jar, with everyone giggling in the kitchen and running away squealing when the door opened.

And the love note was so bad. It makes me cringe to think about it, and I think I came up with the line.

Dear J, (it read)
I want to cook up a storm with you in the kitchen.

Love, ?

written on the back of a tesco receipt.

Kill me now?


And of course, because he's a gentleman who uses a fancy coffee machine to make coffee/tea for us some mornings, he didn't say anything. The other guy, S, came out and asked me and ES (sitting in the kitchen with other people who'd just dropped in for a quick hello) what this was (is).

I could not stop laughing. Neither could ES. And we stood there and laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and he gave up and went away and I think he was a little pissed because we were all giggly and shit, (and we're not, normally) and maybe jealous because the love note went to J instead of him? But honestly. He has a girlfriend. And J cooks. And wiggles his bum when cooking. And hums! And even 26-yr old SL wanted to chain him up and/or marry him ASAP. WHO WOULDN'T? For a bit, I thought I was the only one, but ES voiced it, and it was EVERYONE.

And I don't know if I'm going to be able to look him in the eye tomorrow. I'm going to be living with him for the next year. And possibly more, next year. God. WHAT WAS I THINKING.

I don't even talk to most of my friends about boys in RL, and this is the first time I ever...  you know. Contemplated things in public. And by public, I mean with four other gushy females. GOD.


the world is amazing, life lessons, this isn't a good sign, panty-incinerator, comedy, flailing, crack, insane insanity, true love, love?, men., rejection, luck wishing necessary, emotional instability, rl, fucking fuckity fuckery

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