Sep 28, 2013 23:03
I've got what my mum had. Not surprising but I'm so ANGRY. I feel the sickness coming on. I've started the meds pre-emptively, before any sane doctor would have prescribed them, so my chances of recovery are high.
But I'm a hot, weeping mess. I'm all over the place. I got hungry before dinner and had a snack which was the size if a regular dinner. Then I had a full dinner after. I'm feeling so incredibly sick, and normally my portion control is fantastic, so I'm blaming this on the bug.
My throat hurts, and I can't stop crying. My mum was half asleep and I went in to her room to kiss her goodnight and completely woke her up because I'm a fucking idiot and I can't stop crying. God I'm all over the place I don't even know why I'm crying.
I told her to stop being nice to me because the nicer she was, the more I would cry. I think that means I'm crying because of my impending departure. Not good. My dad said that I'm supposed to be the strong one, because if the think I'm sad they're never going to be able to let me go. But I can't stop crying. God.
ES emailed me and asked to have a coffee. I'd be stupid to reject her overtures of friendship, but god I don't want to see her. Dad says that if she's bitten me once, she'll bite again. I believe him. Not sure what to do.
New tenants emailed back and said they'll manage till Tuesday, thank god. I'll get them some wine and chocolate in thanks.
FML how am I going to handle the traveling and all the assorted fucking shit I have to do if I'm sick. I feel so bad now. I'm miserable. God. I just want to stop crying.
i don't even know anymore,
subconscious messages,
my life is a soap opera,
sucky rl is sucky,
i'll miss everyone,
i'm really upset and don't know why,
stress and terror,
i think i broke my brain,
what is my life,
feeling old,
luck wishing necessary,
emotional instability,
crazy bitch warning