It's funny how one's mind works - some things you can never remember (no matter how hard you try), some things you can never forget (again, no matter how hard you try), some things you think you told other people and sometimes you get caught up in your own web of lies.
* Some things I can never remember - song lyrics, getting worse at peoples' names
* Some things I can never forget - my middle school arch nemesis's birthday (we were friends prior to being enemies), how in love I was with my high school boyfriend (who was a very quick flameout due to parental meddling)
* Web o'lies - actual birthday, the boys I get involved with
So, let's backtrack a bit...
Things I Thought I Told You:
Jock Girl, Swiss, and
savage_25 are my best friends in real life. Jock Girl is not a fan of Casper - we tend to talk about him in vague-ish terms, since I would rather not irritate her any more than necessary. He has treated me unkindly in the past, as you know, but he is also the person whom I continue to love. Also, as I think you know, he moved to the South in the late summer, early fall. This weekend, I was telling JG something and she was like, "what?!?" I said, "well, he's in [state in the South]" and she, um, DID NOT know. I forgot to mention it and I always forget that JG does not read this blog, where I talk about him (incessantly?). Moral of the story? Be better at informing people of important things in your life.
In other news, my high school class reunion is this weekend. I have decided that I am not going to travel to the Christmas party that I was invited to, so I will be in town. That said, I am very torn about going to the reunion. First of all, I don't look like I did in high school - but I assume no one will, it's been awhile. Second, I was relatively quiet in high school and my best friends were loners, so I didn't even see their emails on the original invitation, which means it's highly likely that they won't be there. Unfortunately, I am no longer friends with my loner friends, so it's a bummer, because it would be neat to see them and catch up, even if it weren't at said reunion. Third and possibly the worst part is that I AM curious about my former classmates, so that's why I'm having a hard time deciding. Meanwhile, I started Googling some of them, and I find it interesting that about 1/3 of them are lawyers. Doesn't that seem like a high percentage? They're going to have to work harder if they want to beat out "Mr. Nobel Peace Prize nominee" though, as far as notariety. [ed. note:I don't mean for that sound "sour grapes"-esque; it's more like shock and awe...they tell you, one person can change the world, but you don't really believe it, right?]