Hey guys. I got myself
one of those stocking thingies because it looked like a hoot and a holler. And also i'm bored. Even though I have work to do.
Xmas Stocking
leave a gift for obsessical
get your stocking
So, I'm basically trying to work some shit out that involves a boy, alcohol, my lack of self-control, and my need to ruin good things that happen to me. And I'm trying to get my damn pants back. Seriously, who walks off with someone else's pants? I mean, it was dark, but it wasn't that dark.
I still have like, one more school thing to do before breaktimes. But I'm working all weekend, starting tonight. 6-11, the longest I've ever worked at my new job. I'm kinda nervous because I'm gonna be selling merch, which is something I've never done before. But hopefully/maybe I won't have to deal with all that much traffic? That's what I'm gonna tell myself. Yeahhhhh.
Also, does anyone know a good (and by good I mean free) program for compressing DVDs into iPod format? I downloaded a free trial of one, but it put a big ol' watermark on the movie. I put it on my iPod anyway (6 hour busride...i might get bored enough to watch watermarked BASEketball) but a watermark over Matt and Trey making out is not something I'm particularly fond of. I suppose I could always watch it on my lappy if I wanted to, but I'd rather put my lappy in my suitcase, so my carryon bag isn't really heavy. Because that's a bitch on the shoulders. Especially when you're already dragging a big ol' suitcase behind you. By yourself. In Boston and New York City. So yeh. Anyone that could recommend anything would be mad awesome in my book.
But I'm going home MONDAY and I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED even if the busride will be MAD EARLY (okay, like...noon. but i have to be there more than an hour ahead of time. or some junk.) and MAD LONG.