Hey guys. I made these Friday night because I was bored. They're more Matt-related for those of you who expressed your love for him.
My lips are MAD CHAPPED. They're all like, flaky and burny. I got rid of my old chapstick because I thought maybe that was the problem. I bougth some of that Burt's Bees shit, but my lips still burn, and now they're getting crusty crap on them from the Wax chaptstick. Anyone have any good chapped lips remedies?
I'm going home soon and I'm SO EXCITED. Except I have two huge projects due tomorrow and I really need to get cracking on them. I also have a paper due Wednesday but I can do that Monday night, maybe. Monday night I'll also have to shower and pack, though. And like, unplug all my appliances because apparantly we all have to do that before we leave. Which sucks, because unplugging the TV is a bitch and a half. I also have a fine to pay for locking myself out of my dorm and I should see when I have to pay that buy. It's 20 bucks, doesn't that fucking suck? Twenty dollars for leaving my keys in my room when my roommate was out of town. Ridiculous, if you ask me. Shit. It was due Friday. I wonder if I get double-fined now.
I just wanna GO HOME and get away from everything for awhile. But my friend from Emerson is coming home on break with me. I am too nice and I need to stop offering to do thigns for people. We were fighting before, but now we're cool again, so it's not a HUGE big deal or anything, I'd just like to be away from Emerson for awhile, see my family and friends without the chore of keeping someone entertained. But like I said, it's not a big deal. I'm sure we'll have a good time anyway.
I quit smoking again and hopefully it'll stick for good this time. I should really shower and try and get some crap done. I had such a hard time falling asleep last night. I ended up going to sleep around 3:30 (after getting in bed at 1) and my roommate woke up around that time and started pacing. I woke back up around 7 and started talking to her. It was weird. We both went back to sleep for awhile, but she's still sleeping now, because she sleeps all the time.
I've been having some sweet dreams lately:
In my first Trey/Matt dream, I was in some school thing and they went to my school, apparently? I wanted to hang out with Matt because I was Trey's friend and I didn't know Matt well, so my friends all told me to talk to him on AIM because we didn't know where he was. So I got on AIM and IMed him. He was like "where did you get my IM? facebook? that's weak. i know that's where you got trey's so whatever. i seriously hate you so just what do you want already?" like rapid fire, and i was kind of embarrassed because my friends were watching. So I said I just wanted to know if he felt like hanging out with me later, and he was like "oh absolutely that'd be totally awesome i never get to see you, we shoudl totally hang out here's my number and just give me a call later okay?" and iw as like 'WTF IS THIS GUY BLUR OR WHAT?' and my friends were like 'oh, that's just how matt is. And that's all I remember from that dream, but I was thoroughly amused.
In Saturday morning's dream, I was trying to work for Trey and Matt at their company (which wasn't necessarily South Park?) and I was wandering around their studio with my roommate (Maria) adn my friend Lauren (who we call Buckles). We were in the Emerson Little Building, and these studio people told us they wanted us to wear Trey t-shirts and go talk to people on the streets to promote his band. So a bunch of girls, buckles, and i, all scrambled to grab the coolest t-shirts. Buckles took the one I wanted (that said "flans" for some reason next to trey's face) and I couldn't find a cool one in my size. I kinda woke up a bit, redesigned a t-shirt in my mind, and then went back to sleep and put it on in my dream (which was pretty awesome). I went outside for a bit and talked to some people, before I met up with Maria and we went inside their studio, which was my hometown library. We were going through their drawers for a reason, after awhile I forgot what I was looking for, so we stopped and went to my house, where apparently everyone was. I walked into my kitchen and Trey was sitting at my table, looking really sad. I asked him what was wrong, but he kinda mumbled (what I assumed) was the first line of "Put on a Happy Face". So I started singing the rest and tap-dancing in my kitchen, with a really stupid grin on my face, and he started laughing. "You know," he said after awhile, "You never thanked me for this job!" I think I had an internship there or something. "Dude, I put a note on your desk, didn't you get it?" I said. "I guess not," he told me. "Well, uh, Thank you?" He laughed, and then we started talking about my writing. Matt, my dad, and my brother came in adn started watching some game show that I didn't understand. I asked Matt what was going on and he was like "Pfff, how can you not get it?"(he seems to be really mean to me in my dreams!) So Trey and I started talking about my comedy writing, and how I wanted to write for teh show, and he said he'd have to see my work. So I gave him some stuff I wrote, including a sketch I had JUST WRITTEN about me not getting that game show, and Matt making fun of me. He said, "You're gonna have to leave the room while I read this, sweetie." So I did. I went back to their studio and found Dian Bachar in the hallway. "Hey Squeak, can I ask you something?" "My name is Dian," he said somewhat angrily. "Squeak, we're pretty good friends. Do you think I'm funny?" I was feeling insecure about my work. "i can't answer that," he told me, "it's like when a girl ask you if the dress makes her look fat." "So you think I'm fat and unfunny?" I cried. He yelled something and we started picking up all the trash in the hallway. I tried to empty it in a trashcan but he told me that was Jack Nicholson's trash can and that would be a bad idea. I did it anyway because I didn't want to carry around a bunch of trash, and then Jack Nicholson started scolding me. And that's when I woke up. I never got to see what Trey thought of my work :(
The dream I had this morning was really weird. Apparently, Matt and Trey were my brothers? We were all sitting in my brother's room, and we were looking at some E3 magazine. (Now, E3 is a gaming convention, but in my dream it was this music/comedy award thing, wher you get nominated for your work or for being a good reviewer and picking things that got nominated, and if they win, you win prizes.) Anyway, the situation was that Trey didn't wanna go, and both Matt and I were nominated (Matt for South Park, and I for reviewing/nominating) and we only had one ticket. So we went to our mom's room and were like "WHO SHOULD GO WHO SHOULD GO" and I explained that I was ordinary and this was amazing for me to be nominated, and Matt was like "yeahhhh, but I really wanna goooo." And then I was like "i'll love you even if you screw me out of htis opportunity, brother!" and gave him a big hug, which I thought would weaken him beause I was his adorable little sister. We went back in their room to look at the magazine and go over the albums I had picked to win (Cake's fictional new album and Alanis Morissette's fictional new album) and he said that I had a good chance to win those prizes and that I really should go, but that he had to go for South Park since Trey wasn't going. (Trey was watching TV the whole time and not talking to us.) Then, Trey just burst out, "Dude, you can afford to just BUY her a ticket, you know?" and Matt was like "ohhh yeah!" And then the dream got all fucked up and Matt and I were in hicksville with some goth chick and her family on the way to the convention, and Matt was signing autographs while I showed this goth/hippie chick my autograph collection I kept in my pocket. We got in this car and I asked her to give me my stuff back when she finished looking at it. She said she threw it out the window because "material possesions are pointless" and I got really mad. Matt tried to make me feel better but I was like, punching him or something. It was weird. There was also something later about eating cake on an airplane and that was weirder.
Don't say I didn't warn you :P Well, I better go shower and eat and then try and get some work done. My friends were supposed to call me for brunch this morning, but either they didn't call or I didn't hear them call. Whatevers. see you guys laterrrr.
And happy late birthday to
vovat because I am a dork adn I don't know what day it is anymore.