My weekend...

Jun 05, 2006 13:54

...was very eventful. Let's see. At all parts during the weekend I read Elizabeth Lowell's Always Time To Die. Pretty good book. A bit confusing at parts, but she always writes a good book.

Saturday I had waxing done (ouch!) and took Kaden shopping and for him to get a haircut. He's so good in the chair. They play Barney and he just watches that or he tries to get her bracelets while she cuts his hair. Once in a while he'll jerk his head around but for the most part he's pretty good. Then we walked around the mall for a bit and went to Babies R Us. Nice little Mommy and Kaden afternoon. But, a nap certainly followed when we both got home. LOL That night he slept over his grandma's house (B's mom) because she was going to watch him all day Sunday so that I could get down and dirty on the housecleaning.

I did take advantage of that deal and slept in on Sunday morning. It was such a treat for me. Then I worked my butt off cleaning while B tinted his friends car (you know, when he was supposed to be helping me clean.) So, needless to say, I didn't get everything done that I had hoped to finish so I left the ugliest job of them all for B to do today. The floors, swept and mopped, thank you very much.

Last night was the Soul to Soul II Tour (Tim McGraw and Faith Hill) What a great show! Me, B, and his mom were supposed to go but his mom backed out at the last minute because she had a headache and didn't think she'd be able to take the noise. So, my sister got to go for free. What a nice treat for her.

Faith Hill's brother lives in West Palm so she was saying how this was their third night in Florida and they didn't want to leave. That she got to spend some time with family that day and even met a cousin for the very first time. She goes on to say "My brother is here and if I knew exactly where I'd bring him up on stage. He's very, very cute (the crowd went crazy)....and very, very happily married." LOL After the next song though, security brought him up. It was cute...she introduced him, hugged him, told him she loved him, and said "See, isn't he hot?" Her half of the show was really cute. She's bouncy and kind of hippie-ish.

They opened the show together with their latest duet. Then after her set, they came back together for 3 more duets. Then Tim alone.

Holy Mother of God. That man is seriously walking sex. I know I said that after the last concert but fuck me...Faith is a very lucky woman. The crowd is so loud for him that you know most everyone was there to see him. Besides, chicks yell more and louder. I love it when an artist and can just stop singing in the middle of the song and the crowd is singing so loudly that nobody misses a beat. It's an amzaing feeling for me to be a part of that...I can't begin to imagine how he must feel when he's just watching us sing to his song like that. Overall, that man puts on one of the best shows I've seen.

Then after that, they both came out again for more duets. The 2nd was It's Your Love. It was a nice moment for me and B to hear it live since it was our wedding song.

Through all the duets, there wasn't much interaction between the two of them because the stage set up was center stage with a walkway on all four sides. So they had were pretty much opposite each other while singing together to reach more of the audience at once. Although somewhere in the middle of all that, he says, "I know, I know. My wife is really hot!" LOL Very cute.

Then, the very last song is what most people came to the concert to see. They came up from the middle of the stage, both on stools, facing each other, and sharing a microphone. They were holding hands between each other and sang the most beautiful song. Afterwards they hugged and kissed and I thought the whole place was going to fall around us because it was so loud in there. Seeing them together like that was what everyone wanted.

So, another successful concert for me! YAY!

My sister babysat Kaden for the concert. She had her 2 girls and our other niece. On the way home was said all the kids were probably passed out around my house. But when we walked in, all the girls were awake watching Crossroads and my sister was passed out in the corner chair. LOL Typical. It took me over an hour to wake her up and get them home.

Overall, I had a very good weekend.

There is so much writing going on around me...makes me wanna get back into the habit. I know I say that a lot but....we'll see.

I think Cowboy John fits well enough with this post. Yummy.
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