This week is a fun one lol
- Attend practice sessions for Yosakoi soran dance, need to work on timing
- Gather information for the SWE elections, someone thinks that she is more qualified (and my term hasn't begun yet!) Due:Friday
- Clean the house... its really bad...
- Cook ahead (too busy...()
- Clean and feed the beasts (this must be done everyday)
- Do CAD hw, due:Tues, Thrus
- Study for material quiz and CAD quiz (this Tuesday)
- Study for Architecture quiz (due Sunday)
- Dance Performance: This sat, btw this is what we are dancing for Japan week
- read 10 articles on AFM by friday
- Read one research proposal draft by this wedns
- work for about ... 14 hrs by friday
- Plan suprise w/friends for another friend
- oh yeah, go to class: Tu, Thr and Fri
I think this is all... oh yeah I got a job this summer @ FIU by being a research assistant in a mechanical engineering lab! Its so awesome but my brain is taking a hit by the amount of reading i need to do... oh well, atleast I can read at work... they are technically paying me to read, learn and analyze those articles. I just kinna wish I would have a time machine right now and freeze time to get more things done...