During my mind-numbing boredom today, I was thinking. That doesn't usually happen, I know. Shock horror.
It seems that everywhere I look on MySpace that everyone is copying everyone. Everyone has the same interests, every second person is straightXedge and likes From First To Last.
Does no one have their own individuality anymore? Is that the trend now-a-days? To mimic each other? I really don't like it. Not at all.
Some people who I know are guilty of it, but I'm not gonna name name's here. It's really sad that these people don't have a personality or a spine of their own and think that they have to fit in with everyone else. If you be yourself then people will like you for who you are, not what you're trying to be. When I met these people, they were so much fun. I could talk to them, but their personalities and their lifestyles have changed so much that I'm not sure that I want to know them anymore, which is really upsetting.
Sorry about getting all preachy and stuff, but I really had to get that off my chest. But that's been irritating me for a long long time and I really needed to say it.
On another note, I quite like White Ninja. It's so crudely drawn, but I really find it funny.
Oh oh oh. I have an appointment tomorrow at 12 to get a chunky blonde foil put in my fringe. I've also realised that whenever I brake up with someone I have this uncontrollable urge to change something about my appearance. It happens every single time. But I am clueless as to why this is. Hmmm. Muse upon it further, I shall return.
God I love Little Britain.