Yes, I am the life of the party.
I finally worked up the courage to tell Dad that I planned on moving to Brisbane after months of trepidation. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There was crying (on my behalf, of course) because at first he was being rather cold about it, possibly because I hadn't told him anything.
But it's difficult to tell someone that you're supposed to be close to something so vitally important when they change their mood so often it's like walking on eggshells. He said he was proud that I've made a decision about what I want to do, and he's glad that I'm going to go back to uni and not give that up (I never intended to leave, just defer so I had to explain what that meant to him so he would understand and not just go mental thinking I was leaving uni for good).
The only glitch is, I need help from him to move, and I know that he'd be more than happy to help me but Mum and Dad have gone to the Sunshine Coast for the week so he can run a contest, then they're back for a day and then they go to Coffs Harbour for another week. So leaving me in the house for pretty much two weeks by myself is fine with me, it's just that I would have liked to move into the house this Friday/Saturday when Hannah, Claire and Ben are moving in.
So until I move in, their rent is going to be $99 instead of $74 or something when I'll be living there. I feel kind of bad for them because they have to pay more money for a little while, but once I get a job I'll split them the bond money plus the weeks rent that I wasn't there threeways, so they aren't out of pocket.
Jobwise, I have an observation day on the 10th with a marketing firm called IMM Group. Basically I walk around with another sales rep from the company and sell toys to businesses around Brisbane. If they want to employ me after the observation day, they negotiate a retainer with you, so you're not just living off pure commission. Ben got a job there yesterday and he said that it was much better than the other marketing job he had for a day or two. The only draw back that I can see is that you have to be there at 7.15AM. I'm not good with early mornings, but if I get this job/good retainer I'm just going to have to do it. Plus it'll fatten up my resume quite a lot because it's rather lean looking.
Recently Ben and I have been recording some songs at the SAE in Milton with Hannah's boyfriend Ryan and his friend David. This is so that Ben has songs that he could potentially send to A&R people and that Ryan and David have a little bit of experience with recording. So far, I've really enjoyed it, and we've gotten 2 and a half songs recorded which is a pretty good effort considering we've only been in the studio twice, I thought.
So this week is looking rather busy but lonely for me. I have to go up to uni and get a defement form, apply for more jobs in Brisbane, start getting rid of all crap in my room/bathroom that I don't need so I can move. Just general stuff like that. Plus, do all house hold chores by myself and go grocery shopping by myself too, which I did this afternoon and it wasn't that bad, except that I had to take all the bags with me on the bus. It's a miracle they didn't break.
Plus, with no dad I can smoke freely and he won't know.
Ps. DYLAN MORAN IS COMING. I am honestly so happy I could burst. Actually seeing him in real life. Tickets are only $48, and I would pay that five times over to see him. April can't come soon enough.
I'm already counting the days (77).