What I wouldn't give for a bigger kukri to kill this essay with...

Apr 20, 2010 20:31

Forgot to mention two fridays ago I gave blood and had a wretched experience for the first time in my life doing so. the delightful noob bloodletter practically sodomized both of my arm veins. I have these tremendous green bruises on either inner-arm which make the world suspect I'm the wicked witch of the west I'm some variety of crack user.


Anyway, that aside, I've spent most of my time on the home internet either RP-ing spiral stuff with Aayame-san which is...interesting. I don't really want to say more because it would compare with my current RPs and I know I'd get my head bit off by someone. I'm warming to overprotective and somewhat neurotic pheonix!kanone. And Aaya plays a fairly gentle Eyes, and manages to have lovely "XOMG TEACHING" flailing fits with me outside of Rp. Tremendous fun.

KKM RP is going slowly with MOG on hiatus, Nyan being Nyan, and everyone else off doing finals or responsible crap. If this keeps up, I'll lose my voice. All four of them. *frown* I'm considering Rorshach more seriously because he'd be interesting to put in an RP with the Joker, and Dr. Manhattan's abilities make it possible to pretty much respawn him at any given time not questions answered. (Rorshach's too paranoid not to ASK at least. XD) It's tempting, but too depressing to put a new character in a place that seems to be moving sluggishly at best. Good Heavens, yes. All these people waiting to come back until the summer...Mm. can't say much I guess.

We'll see.

Got Tracer to pop back in. He's being picky. Nuts. Secretly, if I did pop in Rorshach, I'd love to give him a grappling hook to the face.

Hizumi's delayed because I'm waiting on Mocchan and MOG to come back...

Katan popped in for a bit, but he only acts when he rememebrs to, so...

And Eyes...likewise is waiting on Mocchan.

Pretty much the only thing I'm doing regularly lately is the gunwithwings pheonix thread. (Managed to make Eyes cry, though. That's a sure sign you're doing something special as Kanone, and not in a bad way at alll~)

The colorfast campaign is depressing me. My combat last week didn't go half as well as planned. Those NPCs are simply too supportive, and the treasure felt too great to the players. (They still don't realize I'm setting them up to go clear through the other side of the earth where there's no color, and magic is virtually nonexistant.) I have to set up more trouble.

My dad's halfling wizard/sorcerer character "Half Nelson" wants to hunt and exterminate all aboleths, and I'm starting to notice my campaign probably can't handle that too well... I'll have to set him back on a different path, and that might be less fun.

yessy got snatched intot eh water, but isn't engaging with the gameplay. She's trying to act crazy and 'break' the game for me...which is...helpful to a point, but supremely unhelpful to another extent...

Bryan's having fun laughing at the characters and causing jsut enough trouble to keep things interesting, but he guessed Prospero's colorblindness very very soon so I had to make the glasses see through walls, too, and function with truesight. (the trouble of having to stay ahead of a guy with an 178 IQ. O_O)

Roast is being...Roast. Trying not to let Fayel figure out he's an Aasimar too is causing him some fun, PLUS he got greedy with his treasure, asked if the spellstoring ioun stone I gave him had a spell in it. I rolled randomly, rolled the school...? Necromacy. THE ONE VIRTUALLY BANNED SCHOOL IN THE GAME.
He just gave himself a problem with his treasure: how to get the animate dead spell out without anyone seeing and reacting to him using necromacy. XD

I think Roast and Bryan should enjoy themselves, but...my dad and sister a little less so. Not sure how to fix that. I think having an aboleth counterattack by night should be interesting, but the trick is letting them not suspect I'm really up to that...

The lizardmen should be interesting. *shrug* and I've decided Argos' son needs to be created. The black dragon sorcerer... I need to find a way to put him in that nobody'll suspect.

And i need to plan combats better. *sigh* so many NPCs...it's cumbersome. And Prospero's starting to be able to do everything except talk to people. I need to make him disengage a little more.

And of course, NOBODY notices Chrysostum's not on the boat...
And they mock my shocker lizard power. D:
Not my fault Fayel's virtually electricity immune. Nobody knows about his collar yet...

Ugh. more to think about, that.

Still planning what to do in case Rick--the fellow I had an inadvertant falling out with--decides to not let things lie. 10% chance, I'd say, given what I've gathered of his personality now. I suppose I can set a trap precaution, or I can wait and see...still deciding which.
all I can do is outplan all the possibilities there if an apology doesn't work. Should be...unhappily interesting. I really haven't had someone make me their enemy in years...

rorshach, owww, colorfast, kkm

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