A millennia ago, the world was struck by...color...

Apr 13, 2010 20:43

Haha~ I promised I'd do this for MOG, plus I finished my paper, so now's the time to slaaaaaaack until I have to turn in my final copy~


I don't know why I'm shouting... (Original characters, Mushy-sama!)

Uhm. So. These characters are NPCs in the campaign I've made for the Pathfinder RPG, so they have character classes and garbage which I'll try to put after. All "hybrid" races are extremely rare and confused about what they are for general angst. The scientist class is pretty much my invention, too. It's pretty much a knowledge-based magical user who's not really a magical user. A lot of technology uses magic in this world.

Oh, and the Imperial Humans are Asian just so you know. XD (I'm thinking Chinese...)

1 Captain Dodecamus Prospero (Half-elven Rogue/Subterranean Ranger/Duelist, Neutral with Good tendencies) Military Captain of the vessel de profundis under the Ming dynasty. Raised by Chrysostum.

2 Chrysostum Geltisson (Dwarven Elder Divination school Wizard/Monk, Lawful good) Former Elder of the Dwarven Council.

3 Lord Iago de la Fayel (Aasimar Celestial bloodline Sorcerer/Urban Ranger, Chaotic Neutral with Evil Tendencies) Paige of the Ming Empire, "son" or more effectively "creation" of Dubious en Arcel.

4 Subaltern Taurus Matteo (Human Fighter--Soldier and Blacksmith with Heavy Blade specializations, Neutral with Good Tendencies) Second in command of the de Profundis and Human Liason to the Draconic Confederation.

5 Dubious en Arcel (Half-Celestial Scientist, Possibly Lawful Evil) Exiled scientist, and Planar Specialist with rebel sympathies for the ousted human emperor Charmont Ming.

6 Blumensprache (Adolescent Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome) Earth Druid/Copper Dragon Bloodline Sorceress, Chaotic Neutral) Orphan found by Chrysostum, lives on the ship. Tunnel Expert.

7 Gertrude the Dainty (Half-Orc Aquatic Ranger/Plant Druid, Chaotic Good) Knight of the Floating Islands. Elven liason to Faerie, blood-bound to the elves.

8 Lady Aeleander Cesario (Elven Bard(stringed instruments)/Cleric of Music, Good Neutral) Official Court Musician of the Queen of the Elves.

9 Gunniver Moore (Tengu Rogue, Chaotic Neutral) Thieves guildman of the Imperial Rookery, Intelligence agent of Prince Launfal Ming.

10 Caliban d'Eden (Tiefling Aberration bloodline Sorceress, Good Neutral) Semi-Psionic experiment of Dubious en Arcel, empathically linked to Iago de la Fayel.

I have more, but I'll work with these...

[1] Out of all ten characters listed, which one is the most intelligent? Who is the dumbest?
It's a toss up between Prospero and Arcel. Prospero's extremely bright, he's just uncomfortable with needing to talk to people. Arcel is personable, seemingly wonderful, and horribly manipulative and unscrupled. They both probably ahve twice teh normal human intelligence, though...

[2] What is the worst crime 9 has ever committed?
Who's asking? XD Gunniver's just a thief who wants to be a scientist. He works for the government, so that makes him legal~ (or so he reasons.)

[3] 1 and 4 must fix a dinner together. How do they cooperate in the kitchen? What kind of food do they fix, if any at all?
Prospero frowns at the kitchen implements, and starts planning quietly how to build a magical food processor. Matteo goes at it with gusto and starts chopping the daylights out of things...but you don't really want to know what one eats when you're on a subterranean ship with a bunch of people with very different digestive systems. My poor sister's surface druid charcter already went triping off the mushrooms, then got a soldier ant omlette the next day.
Ekthenvraus comes in later, sees Matteo dicing the ankheg steak, and takes over. He generally cooks for everyone. they trust him not to have a sense of humor about it. (Ekthenvraus is another deep gnome, and he's a bard/Transmutaion Wizard. Techncially, he's a historian.)

[4] What channel (Disney, Discovery, National Geographic, et cetera) does 5 watch the most?
Possibly G4? XDD I have no idea. Arcel's probably too busy making new things and changing his gender and race as he sees fit for the purposes of ability. Weird guy. (He's based off Dubbiel if this helps people...)

[5] 7 and 3 are walking down a street at night when they hear 2 cry for help. What does 2 need help with, and will 7 and/or 3 help him?
If Chrysostum calls for help it means something's fated to happen a certain way. Fayel struggles and doesn't want to help, and probably doesn't if he can avoid it. Gertrude saunters right over, and figures it's something that needs delicacy. (Keep in mind this is a 7 foot tall Half Orc lady who looks like two men put together, and speaks like a Russian. She likes having teaparties at bars, and spikes all the tea with hard liquor. She's looking for men, actually. XD)

[6] Does 8 keep a clean room?
Cesario keeps a...functional room. She has a few things out, but she's not obsessively neat. She largely jsut wanders around a lot, and ends up in a lot of bars with Gertrude because they're friends. XD (She has a ring that purifies beverages, so she turns her drinks to water.)

[7] 5 and 10 run a country together - what state is the country in, and how is it run?
Arcel would runa country very efficiently but scarily. And he'd keep d'Eden as hostage. that's more or less what he's doing now except for the "running a country" thing. He's keeping the necromacy-dabbling former human Emperor Charmont Ming out, and is secretly fostering his rebellion army? XD Arcel's clever enough to do well in politics, he'd jsut rather be off inventing, experiementing, and dissecting people while trying to make contact with outsiders.

[8] 6 may have possibly come into contact with a deadly disease, so he’s being quarantined. They’re allowed to bring something along with them - a book or video game - to keep them entertained. What would 6 bring?
Blum? Uhm. Blum brings a pile of dirt, and buries herself in it. Actually, she probably wouldn't notice except for the general lack of people, who she'd miss... (There are piles of dirt all over the deck and one under it. These are blum's dirtpiles. She hides in them, and greets passers by by bouncing out and jabbering away in undercommon. XD A.D.D. kid...)

[9] 8 is kidnapped by 2 and forced to play a game of Scrabble or die - and if 8 loses, 2 will kill him. Who is likely to win the game of Scrabble, and if 8 loses, how does 2 kill him?
Uhm... well. I can't see Chrys doing that,a ctually. he'd probably take Cesario aside very gravely, and tell ehr the outcome of this game is extremely important... If she lost, fate itself would probably kill her. Chrys woudl be kind of saddened by that, too...

[10] What is 4’s favorite time of day?
Matteo? He doesn't care. There are no times of day underground. Unless it's beer time. He's all for beer time. XD

[11] 10, 9, and 3 get snowed in while at a cabin in the mountains. They have one twin bed, two blankets, a few bottles of water, and a little bit of beef jerky. Who gets what? Who suffers the most while they wait out the storm?
Actually... d'Eden's presence woudl take a lot of the nasty out of Fayel... And Gunniver's a friend of his. Wow...ultimate possible combination to keep Fayel from getitng nasty... He probably helps d'Eden burn their way out of the house. Gunniver starts hoarding food and supplies, and tries to find a nice high place to roost. There's probably actually minimal suffering, actually.

[12] If 7 could steal anything - an object, a talent, or trait - from 6, what would it be?
Some charisma, probably. Gertrude's a lot of things, but she's NOT pretty. XD Blum's not ragingly attractive or anything considering she's three feet tall, brown, and has gray hair, but still...

[13] Of all the characters, who has the best hygiene?
Fayel's pretty fussy about his appearence. He has a kind of rennaisence fashion sense. Black hose, really nasty looking boots, black tunic, and a fruity-looking cape lined in peacock blue silk? Big hat, too. With plumes. He's fussy. One of those people who can walk through a storm and still have every hair in place. He takes good care of himself. Prospero probably tries, but he's the sort of person who can make anything look kind of worn-out and thin, and he doesn't like to draw attention.

[14] 1, 4, and 10 are all staying the night in a haunted house. Who would be scared? Would any of them be skeptical? How does each of them sleep?
d'Eden, Prospero, and Matteo? HA! Well one's part demon, so d'Eden goes to sleep without a word. Prospero hates undead, and evil in general, and has perfect darkvision due to the special traits colorblindness grant, so he and Matteo go on a quiet rampage and eliminate all ghosts and undead from the haunted house. XD (This meme is beign strangely appropriate. the only time you'll see Prospero lok like he has a spine is when undead are involved. He HATES them.)

[15] What would be the worst possible job 1 could work?
Anything requiring peopel to sell soemthing hard based on persona attractiveness. He'd be a very poor salesman, but he's absolutely brilliant with anything mechanical, and terrifically acrobatic. The main reason he has a military title like Captain is because he's a tactician, and Matteo's his second-in-command, and he has enough shouty-voice for both of them.

[16] 6, 8, and 9 must compete in a talent show. What do they do for their talent, and who would win?
Blum, Cesario, and Gunniver? Blum makes pretty dancing lights and looks pleased with herself. Gunniver starts doing voice mimicry, but you're NOT going ot beat a bard at performance. When Cesario plays the lute, it sounds GOOD. (her lute's magical, and a character all in its own, but I won't get into that.) She can sing, and play jsut about anything. She wins hands down.

[17] What is 2’s biggest pet peeve?
I'm not sure Chrysostum has one. He mostly just bothers other people with his "everything happens for a reason" type of reasoning, and general peace of mind. But come to think of it, he doesn't like when people snatch up soemthing out of greed that could benefit someone else. He'd start a fight over that on occasion. (A very weird trait for a dwarf, actually.)

[18] If 5 won the lottery for 25 million dollars, what would he do with the money?
Buy a new telescope, and probably make a whole slew of new inventions, including a better teleportation platform,a nd a few new magical vessels for the Imperial Armory.

[19] What was 10’s favorite toy growing up?
She doesn't have one. or a childhood. She's Arcel's experiment in telepathy. She developed an empathic link with Fayel, so he keeps her around to torture her and force Fayel to do his bidding. Probably the only thing she interacted with aside from Arcel's experiments was Fayel, but he wasn't exactly a toy.

[20] 1 tags three characters belonging to other people to do this meme…! WHO ARE THEY?


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