(no subject)

Mar 19, 2010 11:15

Okay, I know we're all a bit overwhelmed with friending memes right now, but basically, what I'm trying to say is...fill out this one as well. Make new friends!

LOL I forgot to ask music interest. It's in there now!

Fill out the form!:

About You

Age/Gender/Where you are currently based:

Relationship status:

Sexual Orientation (optional, it is a nosey question):

What's your journal about? What are you about?:

What kind of things inspire you to violence or bore you senseless?






Fandoms, if you have them?

Any other hobbies you'd like to tell us about?


What do you want to be when you 'grow up?'

What three things could you possibly not live without?

What kind of friends do you want adding you?

Sweet Or Salty popcorn?

Link us to something.

You can post a picture here that 'represents you', if you like. It can be of anything you want but let's keep it clean, eh?

Pimp the meme with this html!:

http://obscurityknocks.livejournal.com/203332.html"> Obscurityknocks' first friending meme