Today - some upsides and downsides

Mar 01, 2010 21:40


Getting some damn work done this afternoon. I photocopied a few essays (read, most of a book) on Satanic Panics for my essay which took longer than I thought, since the library now only has four photocopiers for some reason, two of which were jammed, another was in use and the fourth jammed as I was using it. I had to go into the Short-Loans section with the EVER WATCHFUL NEVER SLEEPING DESK PEOPLE to use theirs. Instantly a queue formed behind me. Plus I chewed through some sources on Rocicrucianism and Alchemical Hermeticism that didn't make me want to chew a table. Hello authors, just because what you're writing about is mysterious doesn't mean you have to write about it cryptically too!

Watching the Pilot of Frasier this afternoon. I was always wary of Early Frasier, since it looks so old and I assumed it would take awhile to get off its feet. Nope, it's just awesome. Great to see Frasier and Martin first starting to get to know each other. I've always been worried I might be a Frasier (pompous, know-it-all, prone to looking like a fool) but I do hope someday I might be a Martin.

Finding Anthony Stewart Head's album "Music For Elevators" - ZOMG. Randomly trolling around the net I noticed some news saying that the BBC might be cutting back on it's programming and probably its website. My first thought? "Gosh, I must save a copy of those Buffy the Vampire Slayer e-comics from the webpage before it gets culled. On there I noticed "Samples from Tony Head's album". *Hits youtube*. HOLY GUACAMOLE! Yes, I say these things when no-one else can hear me. In places it sounds like Massive Attack, and in others its him cutting loose and singing. Of the three actors whose singing careers I discovered recently it's about on a par with Brent Spiner's "Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back" (singing great, but not perfect) and certainly beats out Christopher Lee *shudder*. Hit youtube for either "Babies" or "Owning my Mistakes".

Emailing Dad, and getting a reply straight away. He's living in Egypt now, although money concerns might bring him back at some point soon. My current busyness (See my usual tl;dr personal crap) caused me to forget my usual emails to him for a few weeks, so I fired one off, and i'm glad he's doing okay :)


Livejournal taking foreverto...................letmetype..................randomwords...................mostlieintypoes

Taking an afternoon nap during Frasier that lasted FIVE FREAKING HOURS. I was going to clean out my bombsite of a room this afternoon! It may have been me going into a coma to process some undercooked mushrooms on my Pizza.

Tempting projects - despite all my moaning at myself for not getting courswork done because I need to eat and sleep sometimes, I still keep getting awesome project ideas and not having any to do them. ATM I have a Visual Novel freeware programme (Ren'py) on my computer, and some time probably after I graduate, I want to do a text-only game based on the Kaidan horror stories. Problem: No time. I also have a shit-tonne of Comic books on my computer (the whole of Sandman, Hellblazer, Grendel, Hellboy, the list goes on) that I want to read. Problem: no time, unless I stop hanging out with my friends and use that time instead. Also, on that note, there's Icons I want to try and make from comics and telly (Hellboy and Poirot in particular). Problem 1: No time. Problem 2: Although I now have  version of VLC that lets me screencap-binge, my only photoshop programme is Paint.Net, which is freeware but does 90% of what Photoshop does, but still might not do what I want it to do.

music, coursework, unwarranted opinions, family, tv, projects

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