My Essay on Satan

Feb 28, 2010 23:17

Hello all, I thought i'd share with you a little bit on what I have to do for my course (Religious Studies for those of you who didn't fancy slogging through my tl;dr "About Me" post awhile back - I don't blame you, i'm fairly uninteresting). Essentially I do four modules a year for which I sit through 1-2 hours of lectures and an hour's seminar a week, and at the end of the ten-week term I produce a 3,000 word essay, apart from my two 10,000 word dissertations which take all year and are their own lecture-free modules. I thought my current essay plan for my Global Modernities module (a 2 hour lecture on things like Millenialism, Internet religions and *urgh* The Da Vinci Code, read by a man who is either drunk or exceedingly bad at lecturing) was a doozie, so I decided to share:

The Devil You Know - Evaluating the Relationship between Perceived and Practiced Satanism

Basically i'm (hopefully) going to be examining the percieved idea of Satanism, IE the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare awhile back, Death Metal murders and church-burnings and Serial Killers like Richard Ramirez, and comparing them to how Satanism is actually practiced by the LaVeyans, Temple of Set etc. There probably won't be a connection (indeed, being a fan of Death Metal and a cautious admirer of legitimate Satanism, I will try and prove the opposite) but explaining why there isn't will take up 3,000 words easy, and most of my "research" will be just scouring my bookshelves and bookmarks XD

One stickler - the end of term is in three weeks and I already have one essay which turned out to be due then, rather than after the 4-week easter holidays, and I'm pretty sure this one is due after. If not, i'm Fucked with a capital F. Well, by that I mean i'll have to put off my dissertations completely for three weeks. So not so much.

No, there isn't much point to this post, but I also wanted to show off this awesome Icon I nicked/took legitimately from my buddy Kirsten's Icon profile at salamandericons - check her out! Take her stuff! Credit! Tell her I sent you and you will not recieve a discount!

coursework, occult, can't think of a tag

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