Quick Meme - Last 5 Books I read

Mar 16, 2010 00:22

Katherine Briggs - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
An excellent source of folklore, I dip into her books for little snippets on the Wild Hunts, dwelling places of fairies etc. Useful, academic, and  she Cites. Her. Fucking. Sources.

Seigfried Sasoon - Memoires of a Foxhunting Man
This was passed on to me by hikari_datenshi , and I dipped my nose into it for a bit. Quite refreshing compared to some other autobiographies, since Sasoon sits and writes about how he recalls things, not a way of phrasing it to make him sound good, especially when he talks about his awkwardness as a child and his imaginary friend.

C.S. Lewis - The Screwtape Letters
More sassy and satirical than i'd expect of a guy commonly berated by Atheists for being too Christian, it's a set of letters from a Senior Devil to an underling instructing him on how to corrupt people. Any associations in my mind between that and the theosophical Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett are entirely structural, I assure you.

Neil Gaiman - American Gods
I watched Night on Bald Mountain, and wanted to see how Gaiman spelled Chernabog. It was Czernobog. The more you know...

Nagasena[?] - The Questions of King Milinda
A Buddhist sutra, based on the questions asked by King Milinda (Menander I of Greece) to the abbot Nagasena. Actually a lot more readable than much of the Pali Canon, and more understandable since Milinda's a noob who doesn't mind asking questions.

Speaking of books, i'm in the middle of a Brideshead Revisited-fest, having just watched the movie, with the audiobook, real book and TV seies being in progress. Expect a post on it someday, but not while i'm so busy. Waugh is me, HAR HAR HAR

anthropology, books, gaiman, hur hur hur, steal this meme, buddhism

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