Mar 19, 2008 18:47
So I asked my violin teacher if he'd be my non-painting teacher on my senior thesis review panel. He said he was honored I had asked and that he hoped he'd contribute something valuable. His e-mail just made my day. :)
It's been pretty wet all day, but I've still had a good day of productivity. Besides yesterday (which sucked in that it was completely unproductive) I've had a pretty good week. Went out drinking with my cousin Mike for St Patty's day and got drunker than I'd been in ages. Went to Chris's for lunch with my studio mates and Grace earlier in the day. It's been nice to have a social life again. My tile that I ordered was delivered to Nick's house today. That means I can finish my frames this weekend (hopefully). I can't wait to see the tile- it's all glass and I ordered so many pretty colors. I feel an excitement similar to what I feel when I buy beads. 33 days until my show.