26 that's right- I'm that badass.
Apparently the past month I have been having a seriously terrible reaction to the pill (which I just started), and it wasn't, as previously believed, seasonal depression, or anemia, or a virus, or stress. The doctor's told me that it couldn't possibly be the pill because I wasn't having respiratory problems but that's a load of bullshit. After 4 weeks of steadily feeling more and more miserable and three days of straight up sleeping and not leaving my bed, I stopped taking it and within twenty-four hours I felt a million times better. I once again feel human and it feels fucking awesome.
Had an awesome weekend. Last night Tricia and I ordered a case of a variety of magic hat beers and got it delivered. I cooked a delicious pork tenderloin over mushrooms and onions and we played cards until four this morning. Best night I've had in a while. Tonight's taco night. :)
It feels so good to feel like myself again.