End of Year Challenge!

Oct 31, 2007 22:57

Just to let everyone know, I've just done yet another update of the accepted fandoms list. It's quite long! Check it out if you haven't in a while, you may find some things you've forgotten you wanted to write about.

Moving on, it's time to unveil the final obscurefandom challenge for 2007.

This is going to be a Massive Multiplayer Obscurefandom Request-driven Prize-winning Gifting challenge...or something. There's an acronym in there somewhere. XDDD

Basically the rules are simple: In the comments to this post, make requests. They should be fics you would love to see, but don't feel able or willing to write yourself, for whatever reason. Toss them out to the masses, make wild wishes, get crazy if you want. You should specify which fandom it's from, but otherwise feel free to give as much or as little information as you want. (There should be more than the fandom, though. Don't just say "an X fic", specify something, even if it's just a sentence-long prompt).

And make lots of them. The more requests we have, the more fun this will be. Feel free to keep coming back and making more requests, right up until December 31st. Be greedy!

Now, you probably know what I'm going to say next, but here goes: If you see something on the list that pings inspiration, which you feel you can write for that person, then go for it. There's no minimum or maximum length of the fic. Artwork is a suitable response, too! If you feel the request can be drawn and you have the skills, do it!

You have until midnight PST on December 31st to make your submissions. Do as many as you can! I'm hoping that everyone who submits requests will have one of them filled.

Once you've fulfilled a request, go back to that person's request comment and let them know. If you see that someone's already fulfilled a request that intrigued you, then don't let that hold you back, though! Do it again (of course, yours should be a little different ^_~)

And just as added incentive, the person who fulfills the most requests between now and December 31st will receive a prize. A real prize paid for by real money from my pocket. It may be paid time, or more icons, or even a permanent Insanejournal account. What it is may depend on who wins and how many fics they write, but it'll be worth somewhere between $10-40. Maybe more, if you really wow me.

Now I do want to say, I don't want this to become an orgy of random tossed-off drabbles. If I don't feel that you've made a fair showing, by giving something substantial to each of your recipients, then I reserve the right to bestow the prize on the runner-up. On the other hand, if your drabbles are awesome and show craft and real attention, then drabbles are certainly not a bad thing. I hope what I'm saying makes sense. Each recipient should receive a sincere gift, whatever the length.

Oh, and don't forget to check the Insanejournal community post for interesting requests, too. You don't have to confine yourself to the requests in this post, and vice versa. You can post your story or artwork here, but be extra sure to let the recipient know.

2007 november/december, challenge

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