Nov 24, 2005 22:51
this is a poem.
yes. a poem.
please be honest and tell me what you think of it.
don't be nice if you don't want to be.
"dust & weeds"
i kept my second-hand wings on the closet floor.
hoping against and beyond all hopes to find love.
love and admiration.
all very powerful forces of human nature.
i guess i knew all along the plan would never
truly be fruitful.
but no one took me aside to spare me.
so i pranced around like a fool.
tongue out of hand.
hardly in-cheek.
but what does a hard lesson learned matter now?
after the betrayal?
after the feud?
after the nasal bloodshed?
(dust and weeds float all around.)
mushrooms can help you to see the truth.
people are so spiteful.
uncaring for fellow man.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
this is no love song, i'm afraid.
words so razor-sharp they drew blood.
thrown from one fool to another.
of course.
how true.
there are no rules leading to entropy.
what was it really about?
everyone affected. each one died a little.
some more than others.
"thank you" we all say
"for all your help".
one right after another.
petty matters. i lied.
severe matters. i was honest.
boy-who-cried-wold syndrome.
i told the truth too late.
he had hurt you already.
i'm so sorry.
the grit deprived him of his heart.
he's gone.
so don't hate him any longer.
it would be futile.
he will suffer enough for his evils later on.
if he even makes it much further.
terrible things came and went.
i must say.
i do believe.
we have become better people.
haven't we?
i mean.
we did learn a lesson from it all right?
lets hope against and beyond all hopes.
i don't wish anything different.
the wax and wane of of summer has murdered.
black and velvet draped over the
it died from an overdose.
there is, of course.
only one thing to do.
at a time like this.
begin and continue to destroy
what started this all...
"glamour, darling".
-justin anglin