Jun 29, 2010 10:37
I am separated, and have been separated, from my computer, for many, many days now. I believe the hiatus is probably healthy, as I am having a summer of what my mother would call "Life Experiences," which perhaps I will report on at some later juncture.
I have learned that while the absence of a keyboard will keep you from writing lots of fic (though I desperately want to), it does not keep you from reading it. I can find all the B/B stuff, obviously, since so much awesome is being posted at bones_ga (shameless plug), but I have a new addiction which needs to be fed.
Glee: Finn/Rachel
Don't judge.
I'm having a difficult time finding good stuff for them. So much so that, I anticipate that when I get my computer back, in addition to point a bunch of B/B stuff, I'm going to have to start writing this stuff. Please make some recs for good stuff, because obsessive writing in two fandoms is likely going to reduce my number of Life Experiences, and people, I need the Life Experiences. Do a sister a solid.