I still don't/And I still do

Mar 09, 2010 22:18


If you don't know, peeps, he's posted a scene from the 100th Episode.

PS - the Bones stuff starts @ 1:46.  There are spoilers about Glee and other stuff in there, too, so I want you to know that, so you won't find out things you don't want to know.

Here's the thing.

The thing that make me feel that this episode might just end up being TV Perfection.

Look at the title of this post.

Past!Booth: Do you believe in fate?
Past!Brennan: Absolutely not (blahblahblah).

Brennan: I still don't.
Booth: And I still do.

People, that's what it's about.  That's what this entire show is about.

The fact that they are these different people, with different ideas about things, who have had a huge impact on one another's lives, but a no point, AT NO POINT, did they ever lose themselves in the process.  He is still a devoted Catholic who believes in the wonders of the universe, and she is still an ardent empiricist who wants those wonders proven to her.  It's fantastic.


How 'bout that open, naked attraction on each of their faces.  I mean, come on.  When Booth first sees her, it looks like his heart stops.  When Brennan starts talking to him, she blatantly check him out.  This is outstanding.  I'm completely stoked.


And the flesh v. bone argument - I think I could write 1,000 words on this, I swear.  I will save it for the recap.  People.  This is awesome.

You know what it's time for?

That's right.

It's time.

It's appropriate.

Say it with me.


PS - Sweets just looks bored.  Which I love.  Because of course he is; he knows they're crazy in love with each other, and he's seen enough of the denial.  Love you, Sweets.  LOVE YOU.

spoilers, season 5, bones, the 100th episode

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