Ausiello is a prince among men

Mar 15, 2010 23:47

If you haven't seen them yet, Ausiello gave a ton of info about #100.

Most important in my life, I choose this:
Question: You always get the best scoops. I think you should prove that now with a really good one about Bones. -Maxine
Ausiello: Someone says, “If we don’t work together anymore, we can have sex.” To which someone else replies, ”I’ll call a cab.” Is that proof enough?


Question: I am looking for any news, scoop, or spoilers about Booth and Brennan and a possible romance moving forward. -Mary
Ausiello: I’ll say this: After learning about the early days of their relationship, Sweets prompts B&B to make decisions about their future.

1. I think it goes like this, in the past-
Booth: If we don't work together anymore, we can have sex.
Brennan: I'll call a cab.

And then they don't have sex.  And it's because Booth stops it.  Because of lots of possible reasons:
  • He realizes he likes her, and doesn't want this to be a one-night stand.
  • He realizes he likes her, and he might be using this as a way to escape some shitty feelings (Ausiello did say that we'll learn more about Booth's gambling problems in #100).
  • He realizes they are better suited to work together than sleep together.
  • Something I've missed entirely.
  • OOOOH!  Or maybe, MAYBE Brennan is dating Peter, and Booth is like, wait, there's a dude's underwear or something here in your house, and she's all, oh, that's Peter's, we're not serious, and then Booth is all woah, I'm not just going to have sex with you when there's some other guy out there, and Brennan's all that's so archaic, and Booth's all your face is so archaic, and Brennan's all that doesn't even make sense my face is my face, and Booth's like later yo.  Then, Brennan thinks Booth is ridiculous, and sees that he was willing to sacrifice their working relationship for sex they never had, and she's probably sort of embarrassed, and then, boom, the pilot.
And really, y'all, I think one of these scenarios would make sense.  In the pilot, they have sexual chemistry, and it is angry.  Booth seems cocky, and Brennan seems defensive.

However, if it turns out Brennan was the one who shut down the chance for them to have  I'm going to really be sort of thrown, and it's going to be awesome.

Another however: If this happens in the present, you won't see a recap for #100, because I'll have died.  Just a warning.

However however: If one of them says, "If we don't work together anymore, we can have sex," and the other says, "I'll call a cab," and it's in present time, and they're being sort of jokey about it, I'll still probably die, because even joking in that manner indicates that they are attracted to one another.

2. Sweets prompts them to make a decision about the future of their relationship.  I LOVE THE IDEA OF THIS.  Why?  Because it means that in that room, in that time, on some level, they are going to have to fess up to there being something between them.  If Sweets is at a point where he can talk them into evaluating their relationship, that means they both have to face the reality, to one another, that there is something to evaluate.

I think that's the long con (if you will) for HH and Co. for the rest of the season.  To have B/B deny this shit any longer is ridiculous, but that doesn't mean they get right together.  The brilliance of this is that we now know they've had an understanding of their potential since they met, and even with that understanding, even with the explicit communication of that understanding, they have resisted it.  HOLY SHIT.  Just think about that.  It's like sitting in front of the greatest and most delicious chocolate cake for five years, knowing you could have every single bite, but not doing it, because you decided a long time ago that you'd rather be healthy.  It's denying satisfaction - and it's clear they know it would be satisfying - for all of that time.  That's CRAZY.  And at some point, everything slid from this initial sexual attraction to a strong, deep emotional attraction, and that just makes everything higher stakes.  It's not just B/B have sex = they don't work together, like it was in the front.  It's B/B have sex + fall in love + get together = potential to not only have broken hearts, but lose each of their best friends, and possibly wreck their careers.  The idea that they seriously considered it, for just a second, at the beginning is freaking fantastic.

Also, in the sides the one where they are dealing with the people at the rock music camp?  Sweets says something along the lines of "I'm really surprised by how we'll you're dealing with the dating."  He seems to be indicating Brennan's dating Hacker, and Booth's dating marine biologist lady.  Does that mean, in the room, they decide, you know, our jobs are important, and there's the potential for this thing, but we've sublimated our relationships with other people so long that we have become too reliant on one another, and it's just a way to hide from having meaningful relationships with other people, so we should go do that, to be sure that this thing, our thing, might be the right thing?  I DON'T KNOW. 

spoilers, bones, 100th episode

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