These are special circumstances

Jan 14, 2010 09:07

I don't usually do memes, mostly because I see a neat one, then get distracted by something else that is shiny, but I have had an interesting few days (details of which may make an appearance in impending 5x11 recap), and thus, see this shiny, and my attention is held.  Stolen Borrowed from 0penhearts :

ship me meme

For the record, I currently ship O'Brien/Water.  You'll learn why in the recap.

Also: Send Haiti some money. If you have an extra $5 or whatever.  Because that buys water and food and lots of things.  If you have your credit card info saved on Amazon, you don't even have to get out your card - they can link to your Amazon account (totally brilliant).

help people, memes, shiny things, water

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