Jan 11, 2010 19:09

If you are unspoiled, don't.  Just don't click it.  And I admire your restraint.  Because I have NONE.

I just read all of the spoilers that were posted today on, and sort of, like, died for a minute, then came back to life.  Just in time for tonight's HIMYM, thank God.

For those who haven't read it yet, here's a quick summary:
1. Wedding in the finale.
2. Hart is hinting that there's a B/B "first kiss" in #100.
3. B/B's relationship will be drastically changed by what they are forced to face in #100.  They are going to reevaluate what they feel for one another.

Here's what I think:
1. It's Hodgins and Angela.  They're finally going to get together, because it's a nice time to wrap up the B-romance.  They are the kind of people who can look at one another one day, and say, you know what?  We're in love, and this is ridiculous, and let's go to city hall on lunch and come back married.  They can do that.  B/B?  NO WAY.  Not to mention, I don't know if I ever want B/B married.  At the very least, if they ever do get married, it's going to be after a hell of a lot of buildup, and a decision to go that way.  They aren't spur-of-the-moment people when it comes to this stuff.  So, my money is on Hodgins and Angela.
2. First kiss in #100 - I don't think anyone's really schocked by this.  Perhaps you have read a fic I wrote about it once?  I really, really LIKE this idea.  It makes a lot of moments a lot more tense - just think about the first episode, at the shooting range.  Booth is looming over her, and she is daring him, and they both know, they know, that if they'd just lean in, it would be this sort of explosion, and...guh.  I love it.
3. Change in the relationship - maybe they tell Sweets, you know, we kissed, and then one of them sort of waxes poetic about it?  Or Brennan says she thought he might do it again, and then he started talking about lines, and whatever else?  I am very interested to see how this plays out.  Because if there's a realization between the two of them that they've been mutually attracted all of this time, just waiting for the other to do something, then you go into this whole thing about whether, if the other person was willing to wait to act, if they really SHOULD do something in the first place.  There's a whole new kind of doubt.  Does that make sense?
4.  READ IT.  DO IT.

Really, I just like this idea that their attraction to one another is out in the open, but then what do they do about it?  Because even if they admit it, they still might not act on it.  They still might be afraid of changing things.  They might be worried about their jobs.  They might decide, you know, we should put this aside.  We should be professionals.  We could both really get hurt, or lose our best friends, or a million other things.  They are both terrified of this whole thing, and I think the terror may be what could keep them apart for a while longer.


spoilers, season 5, bones

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