I hate this sort of thing

Feb 03, 2012 06:26

Soap Star Suicide Shines Light on Pit Bull Prejudice

I just don't get it. I work in a vet hospital and volunteer at an animal shelter and I see a dozen or more different breeds of dog most days. None of my coworkers or myself are especially concerned about interacting with Pit bulls. They are stronger dogs then say a little Yorkie or a Beagle, but that doesn't mean they are actually more aggressive. (I don't know if anyone has ever done a proper scientific study of aggression in different dog breeds, but based on my experience, I'd guess that it's actually more common in the smaller breeds, like Chihuahuas and small terriers.)

It's just fucking ridiculous. We seem to be punishing Pits simply for being strong, and therefore potentially dangerous should they 'snap', regardless of whether they actually 'snap' very often.

interest: animal behavior, what: rant, what: opinion, what: article, interest: dogs, interest: animals

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