(no subject)

Apr 16, 2005 22:27

I've started reading through interesting segments either on LiveJournals or even just their homepages. I'm considering altering WYW into something of that sort. Especially since that would be far more interesting than, say, infrequently updated blog that matches nothing on the page. Hey, it's a good idea. It can have other segments, and I'll be free of any demons I have hiding within me (that would be the idea, wouldn't it?).

But not only that, it'd be a great thing to do for those random amusing moments. I'm assuming, and probably more than I should, that my move to Hawaii will be fucking great. No, I shouldn't do that. I've heard stories from people who have lived there and, for whatever fucked up reasoning they had, moved to the Midwest. Some say the people are great there, and that they treat the college students well. The adults in the mid-income bracket say something entirely different, mentioning something about how there are three groups of people who generally don't like mainlanders.

. . . I'm not assuming much of anything, but I swear I'll have way too much fun if it's the hell that has been described to me.

. . . Random post of sorts, but once I finally do something with WYW . . . you can say good bye to the blog, especially since this is far more convenient to me.

I'm starting to wonder if some journals or editorials just sound really good in my head, or if it's because I understand the tone they're written in. Or maybe I just know what pure crap is.
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