(no subject)

Apr 15, 2005 21:08

1) Would you eat a severed human foot if someone paid you $50,000 US?
I don't know if it's a good thing to say yes, but I would. I've always been curious as to how human flesh has tasted, but I'm just not the kind of person to be a cannibal without the opportunity present (so don't worry, I won't eat you).

2) Do you find the sound of crickets soothing?
I hate them, honestly. It's hard to sleep during the summer months when your bedroom is in the basement, crickets are in your walls, and you're really fucking tired.

3) Do you pick scabs?
Not intentionally. If they're really fucking itchy, I do . . . but it's not like it's a conscious decision to do it.

4) If you found a human baby and a kitten starving in the street, who would you feed first if there was no one else around?

5) Has higher math always struck you as pointless?
Yes, but it has something to do with the fact that I'm going to be working with cultures and languages.

6) Can you ice skate?
Right onto my ass.

7) Do you think you will live to turn 80?
No clue. If I do, though, I don't want to be one of those people that can't do anything for themselves. I'd assume die quickly.

8) What is your favorite historical period?
Sumeria, Ancient Greece, or anything in or around the Asian continent (Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Russian, etc). I am the History Nerd.

9) Do you believe in a supreme being?
Not particularly. I've claimed atheism.

10) Do you believe the rich have a responsibility to bear greater financial burdens in society than the poor or middle class?
Not sure. I've only experienced the line between poor and middle class and the middle class. I'm certain we should have some degree of ability to receive livable wages, but that doesn't mean the people who have the money should be burdened with an unfair tax percentage. I do think, however, that we should change how we pay people. It's not right that the people parents pay (through their taxes) to watch over their children for most of their 5-18 year old life a horrible salary while those at the top of the chain (who do nothing) receive higher salaries. (Example: A super intendant at my school receives a salary of $120,000. He does nothing; he spends the sports seasons refereeing for another $60,000. Refereeing has nothing to do with his job as super intendant, therefore he's being paid $120,000 to do nothing. While a teacher is lucky to be getting $30,000 to $50,000 for the same job. However, I also think we should be watching our teachers much more closely, as so many are rather pitiful at their job.)
. . . That didn't answer the question, I suppose.

11) If the world were a true meritocracy, would you have progressed as far as you have today or farther?
I have no idea, but I'm hoping that it would be farther.

12) Did the dingo really eat the baby?

13) To which do you give precedence when classifying yourself: race, gender, religion, or nationality?
I never mention race, and my religion matters not (especially since it's a lack-thereof, anyway). I tend to rarely state my nationality, especially as it's becoming more difficult to be an American from the United States with the state of our foreign affairs. So I guess gender would be first, but when talking about gender . . . I'm assuming you mean my emotional status. Otherwise, my biological sex would be first in line, I guess. I don't know, I rarely try to classify myself.

14) Do you dream in color?
Sometimes, but I much prefer to dream in black and white with hints of colour.

15) Are you primarily diurnal or nocturnal?
I'm nocturnal by nature, but having to be awake during the day is kicking my ass.

16) Do you speak any language fluently besides your native tongue?
I'm teaching myself German, though I haven't been able to recently. I'm also working towards a degree in Japanese, so hopefully that'll be fluent later on.

17) If you had the power to create a heaven and select one deceased person worthy of going there, whom would you choose?
I have no idea, to be honest.

18) Is OJ guilty?
My first inkling is still to say yes.

19) Would you have sex for money?
No, I wouldn't. But no one should be able to stop me legally if I want to make such a decision (talking someone out of it is another thing entirely).

20) Can you play a musical instrument?
I played the various string orchestra instruments for about eight years (piano, bass, viola, violin, and cello), and I played the flute for two years.

21) Have you ever purposefully starved yourself?
Yeah, I have.

22) Are you afraid of the ocean?
If I am, it's one fear I better get over quickly.

23) Do you root for the underdog?
Of course I do.

24) Do you consider most professional sports to have a deeply homoerotic undertone?
. . . Yes, yes, I do.

25) Do you frequently suspect others of having an ulterior motive?
Quite frequently I do, but there are a few people I believe to be worthy of my trust to not do as such.

26) Do you laugh out loud when you're alone?
Just like sharya, I laugh out loud and talk to myself all the time.

27) Do you know how to ride a horse?
Yes! I actually love going horse back riding, but I don't know any of the fancy styles.

28) Have you ever bitten anyone with the intention to harm them?
. . . Well, that and some other intentions.

29) Do you believe love must always entail sacrifice?
If it doesn't something's seriously wrong.

30) Would you enter a burning building to retrieve an inanimate object?
I would, I would.

31) If you wanted to have children, would you rather adopt or grow your own?
I'll adopt, thanks. If anything, I'll probably have one of my own and adopt another.

32) Is your Ebay feedback rating a source of pride to you?
No, it's really not. But at least it proves I'm not a bad customer.

33) Do like to play dress-up?
Not particularly, but I have this wonky moods that just scream "OHMYGOD, DRESS UP." It's rather frightening.

34) Do you support euthanasia for the terminally ill?
To some degree.

35) Have you ever had a panic attack?
More than I could count on two hands and two feet.
. . . That's more than one per year, considering I'll be 20 in 5 months. Holy shit.
. . . To counter that, I haven't had one since I was 16.

36) Ever get the feeling you're being cheated?
Quite frequently, to be honest. Life is probably going to feel that way for awhile.

37) Do you have some awful secret you would rather die than have anyone find out about?
Not that I can think of, but if I did I won't let you know.

38) Was Feodor Kuzmich really Alexander in disguise?
Whatever you want to think.

39) Do you dislike public transportation?
I've never really had to deal with it yet. I don't live in the town, so I have to drive to even get to a bus stop. I know that it's relatively horrible for people like me, and I'm reading things that aren't so hot about the public transportation on Oahu. Errrk.

40) Is there anything you regret?
I'm not sure. I'm sort of split on whether or not I regret certain things I've done; if I do, I wouldn't change them.

Something I stole from sharya, who stole it from someone else. I just wanted to do it to answer the question about cannibalism.
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