(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 11:11

Apparently the school's computers in the library on crack. Type a comment. Hit "Post Comment." What happens? "Message field is blank, please type a comment." Wah.

In any case, I shouldn't be able to post anything. It's a bad habit I'm forming . . . skipping class and the like. Bad thing is that my professor saw me today, and I still skipped. I'm so smart it kills me. Anyway, the reason I'm skipping: Book report on Darkness in El Dorado by Patrick . . . Tierney? Something like that. It's not done at all, I swear. I don't have the book, the library has one copy of it (which is stupid, since it's a university campus library), and where is it? Renewed. By who? Ben, I bet. Or probably some of the other groupies in that book section. Erghhhh, evil. Ben loaned his copy to me for two nights; I read my two chapters (8 and 9) during that time. I took notes. I was ready.

. . . Where did these notes go? Up my professor's ass or swallowed by his wind-pipe are my first guesses, but the fact is that I have no clue. They exist somewhere in the world, but that somewhere is not in any of my three basement rooms, the trash cans upstairs, or the dining room table. Those notes were sucked in the abyss, which is probably my professor's mouth (no, he doesn't eat paper -- he just doesn't shut up). Hopefully I'll be able to present on Tuesday, but I'm not counting on it. If that happens, that'll give me a 0 in every class. Arghhh, I hate school.

Just. Need. Passing. Grades.

In other news, I can finally harass Greg and Fishie (rad_beoulve) this summer. Mwahaha, beware. I'm not the perfect lifeform (that's Fishie's department), but I -am- the cutest (. . . and smuttiest, if I keep these bad yaoi fics up).

EDIT AND RANDOM RANT: I cannot access my webmail from the school. What a piss-off this is. I just want something to do until my parents call to say they're bringing my ginormous art project to school so I can actually say I turned something in.

Yeah, an art project is all I've completed. In other words, I had an in-class writing assignment today that I blew off because I lost the reading it was over (and couldn't bullshit it without having time to think, since I came in late).

I also wish the school had mIRC or would let me download it; I'm bloody bored. There is no AIM, there is no MSN, and there is no mIRC. For the love of all that is good, why am I relegated to such boredom that I must edit my posts in LiveJournal? Perhaps if I were studying . . .

. . . Who the hell studies when they're on a computer? Research information? Yes. Study? No.
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