(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 00:43

Seven hours downtime is ridiculous. It's a little more ridiculous that I'm actually -awake- to see it come back. WTF. I've been working on the aforementioned log for rad_beoulve. Because it has to be reformatted. I don't understand why Colloquy logs the way it does, but whatever.

. . . Oh, and my lovely Uncle Drunk decided the cable box -- for the second time in six months -- looked like a lovely target. He did this last October. However, he neglected to hit it for the last 19 years (you know, those 19 before the last year).


EDIT: For my own amusement, because I didn't realise this until I was reading the log (and reformatting it). . .

Alex: Perfect for an ice cream owner, ish it not, owner? XD
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