What. The fuck. Is
Fuck you, furries. And fuck you, babyfurs.
There's drama at work about who's getting how much for pay raises and whatnot. I'm just sort of staying out of it because you're NOT SUPPOSED to share your wages and it's pointless to get butthurt about someone getting more than you when mouths should've just been kept shut in the first place.
We're getting our evaluations this week. I was pretty sure we were supposed to get them ever three or six months. I got my first one around my ninety days when I was offered a permanent job instead of a seasonal one. This will only be the second I've gotten while at Target. And I know NO ONE got one at their ninety days.
God, my store is so fucked up.
I cleaned and washed the rat boys and their cage today and moved their ledges around. I'm sure it won't prevent them from MAKING A HUGE FUCKING MESS, but it looks good for right now, so I guess that's good. They hate bathtime, though. Sreaming at me and trying to launch themselves out of the tub while soaking wet. There's only a few that don't mind sitting in the water and waiting. But they don't flip out too much when I wash them. They just don't want to be IN the water.
I've been feeling kinda apathetic about the interwebs lately. I haven't really been posting much or checking up on my usual websites. Just coloring shit and playing WoW.
Lazy, lazy, lazy.