HUMAN PEPPER OH GOD WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO. She looks a bit younger here than movie-verse. But it's still cute.
FemSteve. Blame this one on Squeeji.
If nothing else, /co/ encourages me to draw more humans because I can't post my filthy furry art over there. XD
22:12] I AM BATMAN: Dawwwwwwwwwww
[22:12] Ally the Sparkly: :D
[22:12] Ally the Sparkly: So cute.
[22:13] I AM BATMAN: "Hawt." "Cram it Tony," "Oh...I want to."
[22:13] I AM BATMAN: That's the mini RP that just happened right now
[22:13] Ally the Sparkly: ffffffffffff
[22:13] Ally the Sparkly: D:
[22:13] Ally the Sparkly: I hate.
[22:13] I AM BATMAN: Why?
[22:13] Ally the Sparkly: Groce.
[22:13] Ally the Sparkly: Stupid Tony.
[22:14] I AM BATMAN: Yea but do you think he WOULDNT SAY THAT?
[22:14] Ally the Sparkly: ALSO IT IS 64F OUTSIDE HERE.
[22:14] Ally the Sparkly: He so would.
[22:14] Ally the Sparkly: SO WOULD.
[22:15] I AM BATMAN: "God I would over every inch of you in honey and lick it off." "FUCK YOU TONY!"
[22:15] Ally the Sparkly: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[22:15] Ally the Sparkly: "That's the plan!"
[22:16] I AM BATMAN: "*punches through window*"
[22:17] Ally the Sparkly: Tony deserves it.
[22:19] I AM BATMAN: "Did you punch my boss through a window Steve?" "Yes Ms. Potts." "Well please don't kill him...or I'll be out of a job." "Sure."
[22:20] Ally the Sparkly: Tony somehow lands on Rhodey's truck as he's pulling up to the house.
[22:20] I AM BATMAN: "Tony what the hell happened?" "Lady troubles."
[22:23] Ally the Sparkly: ffff
[22:24] Ally the Sparkly: Steve has to stay at Tony's because...well...THAt would just be weird to explain to everyone else.
[22:24] I AM BATMAN: Yeap
[22:24] I AM BATMAN: Poor bored Steve
[22:25] I AM BATMAN: Basically a prisoner in Tony's home
[22:25] I AM BATMAN: No wonder he keeps bothering Pepper
[22:26] Ally the Sparkly: Steve refuses to take showers because HE KNOWS there's cameras.
[22:26] Ally the Sparkly: Eventually, Pepper offers to let him stay with her.
[22:26] Ally the Sparkly: Because, hey, it could be a friend! Or even family!
[22:26] I AM BATMAN: Hahahah
[22:30] Ally the Sparkly: "Take a prison shower. That way, he derives no pleasure from it."
[16:34] I AM BATMAN: "You know what Ms Potts, I almost think...I'll just fuck him. And I will be the worst most boring lay ever...just to ruin his vision of it.. " ",...."
[16:34] Ally the Sparkly: hahahahahahahahahaha.
[16:34] Ally the Sparkly: "Steve, that's an awful idea."
[16:34] Ally the Sparkly: They're both drunk.
[16:35] I AM BATMAN: "You think so?"
[16:35] Ally the Sparkly: "I know so."
[16:36] I AM BATMAN: "FFFFFFFFFFFFf You fucked Tony....hahah...I was so right."
[16:36] Ally the Sparkly: "SHUT UP, STEPHANIE."
[16:36] Ally the Sparkly: I can see him hating getting called a feminine name. XD
[16:37] I AM BATMAN: Hahhah
[16:37] Ally the Sparkly: Pepper doesn't detail WHY it's a bad idea. But mostly it's a bad idea because, y'know, you wanna do it again.
[16:37] Ally the Sparkly: Not because it's bad sex.