Holiday Shenanigan Recap

Jan 01, 2014 21:46

Christmas was nice. I went over my mom's, as I usually do. Of course, this time it was at 6AM and I got roped into helping prep and cook food for dinner, which lasted nearly all day. But I didn't mind too much, I like helping out in the kitchen anyhow. We made tons of food, too, two turkeys and ham and lots of sides and snacks and desserts. It was a pretty big throwdown, but there were also eight or so people there. I ended up taking a lot of food home because of how much there was.

When I came home, Tony and I laid around and ate and watched a two hour Rammstein concert on youtube.

This last weekend was crazy.

Since the car is still out of commission and we wanted to go to an event in Cleveland, we asked if we could crash with some friends attending/hosting the same event. We took the bus up Friday evening and that went over well. Got pizza, watched Thor, chilled out and then went to the bar to socialize and get out of the house. Saturday we went to the event at the same bar and had a really good time, met new people, talked with others, it was really nice. I was glad we got to go because Tony was really looking forward to it.

I have lots of pictures from Saturday night'll have to ask for my Fetlife. :V

Sunday, we got dropped off at Tower City to catch the bus back home, but had enough time to pop down to Koko Bakery and get some delicious baked goods before making it back to the bus stop and...waiting. And waiting. And where the fuck is the bus. Called PARTA and discovered...the Sunday Cleveland Express does not run over the break. There was nothing that stated this on either the schedule (which i had a pdf of) or the website itself. The guy on the phone was really sympathetic and, apparently, we were not the first people with this issue. Thankfully, it wasn't too much of an issue, as we just called up the friends we were staying with before and crashed for another night. Ended up ordering delicious chinese food and loafing around for the night until Monday when we got dropped back off at Tower City and caught the bus back home on time.

Being gone from home for longer than expected makes me antsy because I worry about the animals, but everything at home was fine (squeeji peeked in the windows to make sure everything looked okay while we were out, as well) and the cats were happy to have us home because, god forbid, they could see the bottom of their food dishes.

Last night, we went to hang out with friends for a New Year's Eve party. Said friends recently moved within a couple blocks of us, so it's a lot easier to get there and back, even if it was cold out! The usual party shenanigans were in order, naturally.

[ crossposted from dreamwidth ➙ you can also view it there ]

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