Feb 17, 2010 22:12
01. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
02. Go to IMDB, and find a quote from each movie.
03. Post them here for everyone to guess.
04. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
05. No cheating!
01.) Mares eat oats, and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy. A kid'll eat ivy, too... wouldn't you?
02.) This definitely rates about a 9.0 on my weird-shit-o-meter.
03.) I've heard better singing from a mongoose with throat cancer.
04.) Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing.
05.) It's like touching yourself. You know every move... right on the fucking dot.
06.) That's what they're saying about me now? That I'm paranoid?
07.) Why don't you girls just pack it up before I leave tread marks on your face?
08.) Does this look familiar? Do you know what it is? Neither do I. I made it last night in my sleep.
09.) It's a crystal. Nothing more. But if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams.
10.) Someone's in my fruit cellar! Someone with a fresh soooul!