Saw 2

Dec 12, 2005 17:43

Ok, I figure I mine as well post something here as it looks rather odd to me to only see blank white space. Time to break up all this whiteness with some strong black letters.......word!

Ok so the other day a friend of mine tells me she's going to go with her friend to see Saw 2 (hehe, see saw) after grumbling and making my comments about the first one (if you want to read that rant, go check out my myspace profile) I told her I hoped she had a good time and got off the phone. It was then I realized "damn, I got nothing to do" so this new found boredom spawned an idea. "I'll download Saw 2 and watch it, so that if and when my friend calls me back (she never did by the way) then It will be like I was there, only not.
So I download it, prepare my vomit bag, hide all the hammers and click play. What I got in the next hour and a half (roughly) came as a surprise mainly because I was pretty damn disappointed in the first one (once again, for a laundry list of my problems with that movie, check out the myspace rant)
Don't get me wrong, Saw 2 is by no means an oscar contender, it's a stupid horror/gore movie, and the ending was forced surprise of the eye rolling variety. But what surprised me was the stuff sprinkled throughout that actually managed to be kind of interesting.
Mainly the interaction between Donny Wahlburg's cop character (if a new kid on the block is in it, you know it's gonna be good!!)and the actual human face behind the Jigsaw killer
It was still like a b-movie version of a Silence of the Lambs Hannibal/Clarise dynamic, but none the less it was entertaining enough to keep me from looking for my bag of hammers, no bile rose in my throat
So yeah, I won't go into any more specifics of the film, they don't really matter.......if you liked the first one, then you're most likely gonna like the sequel, but for those of you out there like myself who thought the first one was an overhyped piece of fecal matter, you might, and I stress the word might, want to give this one a chance

Anywho, that's all for now, I'm off to watch How I Met Your Mother.........because that's how I roll!!
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