Feb 19, 2010 09:17
Sometimes I do.
I really need to find a way to make my Livejournal stop spilling over into my Facebook. I don’t even remember how I set it up to do that to begin with, although I remember that I did do it myself, and would really appreciate anybody’s advice as to how the fuck to make that not happen. It’s frustrating and the answer is probably so simple that I will want to rip off my own face in shame when I hear it.
So in news relating very slightly to ripping off one’s own face, I saw a woman on the bus, probably in her late forties and dressed like a stereotypical gypsy from a B movie, with gauges. We aren’t just talking about small ones, mind, we’re discussing gigantic stretched ear lobes that are larger than a silver dollar is. I am all for people’s personal expression, absolutely. That said, I think stretching your ears to giant proportions is entirely gross. Plus I always worry for people getting it caught on something or, fuck, if they got into a fight and someone had the presence of mind to just pull their ear off. It doesn’t take that much effort to begin with and the gauging can only weaken an already structurally fragile cartilage growth.
I am excited because today I should be receiving recommendations from a professor as to which sources to pursue in learning more about Medieval monastic orders! I am a dork like that and ALL must fear me for it.