
Jul 13, 2008 06:29

I woke up a little while and can't get back to sleep O.O.

Usually once I'm asleep I'll pretty much stay asleep until the morning, but I woke up at 5ish and so far I'm still awake, and yeah... I'm not really that tired anymore O.o.

I'm watching that male version of Dora the Explorer, "Go Diago Go" he's dancing with Chinchillas... the alternative was religious TV *shiver* so hey, chinchillas it is =D he actually speaks more Spanish than Dora does ha ha, educational =D... not that I've learned anything yet =P.

Anyway, I know he's kinda old news now... but I love this song and I have nothing better to do, so I'm posting it here =D. It's that dude who plays the harmonica and beatboxes at the same time, it's just an excellent sound ya know?

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lol Go Diago Go just finished and Dora started, the funny thing is that the octopus mail lady lost Boot's new firetruck from it's box... she just delivered the box full of pacing material, with a huge hole in the bottom... but yeah, she was just like "sorry" and left ha ha. Just like real life ha ha. they have to cross crocodile lake to get it back O.O... how the hell did the post van get over crocodile lake? O.o.

Ha ha swiper just stole their steering wheel... take that.... I like Swiper... a shame he always looses... like Wile E Coyote =(... they both get a pretty raw deal... but I wonder how many people have lost precious items to thieves in the past because they didn't have the good sense to yell "no swiping" when they were being held at knife point.... *sigh* stupid stupid people.

lol "LIFE JACKETS, so we can be safe".

OK I'm done lol... this show is just sooo much fun to poke at lol. But theres no use making fun of them unless theres someone to make fun of it with =P.


Incase you haven't heard of it for some reason this is "Go Diego Go" (he's the kid to the very right in the beginning.... best i could find >.>)

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and this just makes me laugh... lol, it also features some Diago.

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Wow, my cousin just walked in and scared the hell outta me ha ha, it's like 7am O.o. WOO! No stomping this morning lol... although to be fair yesterday, he woke me up quietly (which is creepy on it's own) twice before stomping on me lol..... but all the same... there will be NO sleeping now ha ha.

Ha ha ok I'll cut it off here this morning.


go diego go, loony toons, swiper, wile e coyote, clone, spanish, mail service, sleep, life jackets, beatbox, awake, harmonica, dora teh explorer

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