Trained it into Newtown with a few friends this morning to see a movie recommended to me by one said friends. It's called "Vexille" and it was actually had a really good story. I liked it a lot... although there were a few plot holes and cliched moments, one particularly at the end that made me wince a little... until we ended up making our own back story to it, including Rude (or at least the guy who cosplayed as Rude the entire movie lol) and Reno... because you can't have Rude without Reno lol. But the originality made up for the tiny bad points more than adequately.
Unfortunately we only had the chance to get into a couple of shops after the movie, so i didn't end up spending anything... which I guess could be considered a good thing =P lol. Before I had to get home to start work.
Turns out I was about 5 mins late for work, which really isn't a big deal in the job that I'm in, if your late by a small amount, you just have to stay over the same amount, so I finished at 8:05 instead of 8:00... wow,. big deal, right?
Oh and I think I was drastically wrong in my accent placement yesterday... his accent wasn't that Irish at all tonight... I just suck at placing these things =P
My little cousin was in the car when I was picked up again tonight, and we grabbed some pizza on the way home. we ended up playing with his Ben 10 toys and some Sonic on Gamecube until it was time for him to go to bed, I filmed him while he was playing for a bit, just to laugh at the over enthusiasm ha ha, I've actually lost the cable that goes from my camera to my computer though =(. But it'll be on the camera for when I do.
Hmm, so Batman begins was on tonight, my cousin told me the Christian Bale tale too, apparently he's one of those actors that goes to extremes for the roles that he plays. In "El Maquinista" (aka"The Machinist") he looked completely anorexic even skeletal. People were worried that he wouldn't be able to do Batman Begins that started filming a little while after but he managed to bulk up HEAPS in the preparation time.
The Machinist:
Skinny reeeally skinny...
skeletal O.O
Batman Begins:
Buffman lol so yeah, I respect a guy who's willing to go that far for his art. It's commendable, and bloody hard to do O.o. I can't find the filming dates for the two but they were released 12 days apart from each other, which suggests they were filmed in the same season at least. He would have only had a few months at most to bulk on the muscle.
On a side note, I'm SO looking forward to Dark Knight XD.
So yeah, thats about it for me tonight.
Adios =).
P.S. I laugh whenever I hear the word "pilgrim" spoken seriously on TV... "PILGRIM" lol... I don't know, it just has a real goofy sound to it I guess. But you know, like when was the last time you heard the word "pilgrim" outside of an old movie? Like old westerns which seem overtly gay (I'm looking at you Clint Eastwood with pink shirt and tassels lol) anyway even though the pope is against homosexuality... when you think about it though... his life must be SOOOO boring =( I feel sorry for him... even if he is a misguided old prude.